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"Hey where'd caden go?" Eden asks, looking around the science classroom. Finally tearing her eyes away from her millions of pages. She's a hard worker, plus she had her headphones on so she was entranced. Chase and Colby look around after they stop arguing. It's only been a couple minutes since caden left and I'm honestly worried.

I shrug, "he left early."

"oh? is he okay?" Eden then looks at me concerned.

I shrug again. "I don't know honestly, he doesn't know why he left early ethier."

Eden looks at me suspiciously. She knows about Cadens home situation... kinda. Since i don't know for sure either but she knows some of what i know. She looks at me intently, the type of concern that washed over her face is a lot and I'm kinda overwhelmed by it. I never saw her look like this other than that one time when Eden Thara and I were trying to go through a forest that had tics and bees all surrounding us.

Yes we were wild children.

Her eeriness starts to get to me and I decide to see where caden is heading to. I go up to the teacher's desk and ask to go to the washroom. She just nods and I walk out. I walk down the stairs and go straight for the side door exit and walk to the front. I see a black SUV and River leaning against it with his arms crossed and a scowl planted on face. His blacked out glasses make it hard to see him fully but then I see Caden walk up.

They exchange a nothing glance as Caden stands there in front of him. I see him tense immediately and a tremor runs in his hands. I frown. River says something and Caden walks to the other side of the car and he goes to open the door but he squeezes his tricep for a minute and my frown deepens. He closes his eyes like he's in a high type of state, and opens the door. I can see much else so I go back to class with a frown.

"Where did he go?" Eden then asks to watch me take a seat beside her as I come back in. Chase and Colby listen in.

I shrug "just saw him get in his dads car."

Eden looks at me suspiciously and so does Colby but Chase just turns around with a frown. "Hey aren't you supposed to tell me about Sersei?" I then ask Colby, my brows raise slightly.

He rolls his eyes. "There isn't much to say." his deep voice mingles. He tugs on his dark blue hoodie showing a peek of his tanned collar bone.

"Yes there is." i say "you like her so she must have a story with her."

I see Eden raise her brows "you have a crush?" she asks, pointing at Colby with a very surprised look. "Like a girl? She's real right?'' Eden then turns to me.

I nod chuckling. "Right! Since when do you even look at a girl?" I then asked.

Colby glares at both of us and my smile grows. I notice the little  slight red peeking from his cheeks "ooooo Colby likes someone. I see you blushing.'' Eden remarks.

Colby rolls his eyes and turns around. "You have a crush," I whisper. Me and Eden laugh together and I see Chase entranced with his work. Eden and Chase are both so similar and yet so different.

Then I start to do my work and I look at the first word on the page and my thoughts go to the empty seat next to me.

I should text him.

I'm texting him.

ME: Hey are you okay?

CADEN: ya im good why?

ME: Well you never leave early. And I saw you go in Rvers car...

CADEN: I'm fine, green. Dont worry ill text you when i get a chance.

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