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I didn't think i could possibly sweat this much, yet be so cold at the same time. Because that's what I am now, I'm so cold yet my palms sweat, my mind races, my heart pounding so fast I can basically hear it through my skiing and bones. My eyes are cloudy and i turn over to caden to see him just looking like he has no care in the world that his abuser is being let out of jail.

I know it, he knows it.

Today is the day. January 7th is the day of rivers final trial. He had one previously but clearly caden wasn't there, orelse i would have been. I think he notices my discomfort because his hand furls with mine. His warmth filling me as he gazes into my eyes.

"You okay?" he asks, concerned.

I nod, swallowing disdain. "Kind of. Why aren't you not okay?'' I whisper back. His scent invades my nose as I get closer to him. Gosh he's so intoxicating, he gets my mind off everything immediately as wetness pools between my thighs. Not the time. Definitely not the time.

He chuckles slowly. "I think your 'not okay' enough for the both of us,"

"It's really not funny or humorous. River is getting out." i say

"I know."

'You're going to have to be back with him.'

"I know," he sighs.

"You're going to be right under his thumb again."

"I know green."

"Your going to stop responding to my texts and i'm going to start worrying if you are beat up or safe.'' I say breathlessly.

"It's going to be okay, green. Stop worrying."

"How can it be okay when-"

A bang stops me and I turn to the front, seeing the room filled with a bunch of people all intently looking at the front. Rivers in a pressed suit looking like he hasn't even stepped foot in a jail cell. "River Easton Golbach, is now pronounced innocent. And free to leave. All charges dropped." my heart sank even when i knew he was going to get out anyway.

I hold Caden's hand tighter. I'm not sure what we are exactly. It's complicated and has been the number one thing on my mind for the past two weeks. But I don't really care what we are right now, I just care if he is okay.


Rivers out. Hes free. Out of jail and back at his house. I watch as Roxanne hugs him as he walks out of the fence gates. Roxanne met me at the courthouse. Surprisingly she didn't bail once he went to jail. Honestly I don't even think the river actually steps foot in the prison. He looks to pristine and nothing like he would if he did go to prison.

It doesn't matter anymore though. He's out, he's a free man walking. The FBI agents failed at their job.. Well they didn't technically fail, I was just doing a better job. My mind goes blank as I just watch as Roxanne smiles brightly and the river twirls her. Roxanne's very long brown hair flows and her brown eyes glisten from the light.

Once they are done there mushy moments the river walks up to me. My stomach shrinks as I try to get my composure back but all I can think of is his hit to the face. Maybe a punch to the stomach...

"Thank you." my eyes almost gape out of my sockets. Thank you? What is he on, heroin coke? What the fuck. I blink stunned at his response. "We have much to discuss later." he then murmurs as he goes to the other side of the car, Roxanne getting in the passenger seat while I go to the black just behind roxanne. River starts driving in his own meticulous manner. His hands on the steering wheel like he's finally alive... if the river is what you call alive in any circumstance.

I don't know what's happening with him anymore. It's like he changed. Like he's not the same man who murdered my mother in cold blood. But the man who taught me how to throw my first baseball and taught me how to catch it with a glove. The same man who picked me up from school one day when I got sent home for 'misbehaving' but in reality someone was picking on me and I decided to punch them...

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