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I open the door silently trying to dull the noise of the squeak. But it was pointless as I saw a river sitting at the kitchen table. My stomach drops as his blue eyes pierce mine. The chair slides against the hard tiles and makes a defile noise I hate. He walks up to me, each step making my stomach drop more.

"Where were you?" he asks quietly and coldy but calm... very calm.

I swallow disdain as the door closes behind me with a thud and I almost flinch but showing weakness is not something you do in front of a river. "Out with friends." I say vaguely.

He walks closer to me, his black suit sharp on his built build and with every move his dress shoes crack on the hardwood floor then stop as it reaches the carpets. He chuckles coldly his face getting angrier. Right when he would strike a punch. I wait for it but instead he grips my throat tight and pushes me to the wall.

Again. Jeez he must have a neck kink i swear. My neck might already be bruised. Well maybe since Navina might have seen it if it was.

"Oh ya? And by friends you mean Navina? You stuck out. Roxanne went to check on you and your door was locked and you weren't answering. I broke the lock and guess what i found."

I swallow disdain trying to catch my breath. Why would Roxanne 'check' on me?

"Your window was open and you weren't there. Now what kind of parent am i that lets my teenager sneak off huh?" he asks through grinded teeth. "Not a great one caden. Not a great one. So the next time you decide to take it upon yourself and go visit your girlfriend... tell me." he speaks in a mumbled but stern voice. I just stare at him " you go it?" he asks, losing his grip and I nod. "Speak!" his voice grew higher and he pushed me more against the wall. My throat is definitely gonna be bruised.

"Yes." I said aloud.

The front door flings open and the river backs off, his hand that's like poison leaves and I can finally breathe. I cough a little and touch my now bruised throat softly. River goes right next to me in front of the door and smiles at roxanne. "Hey honey." he says and Roxanne smiles brightly and walks up to him. She kisses him on the cheek and plays with his tie.

"hey dear." she smiles. I look distastefully at the door. Why even get married if it's just harder to hide what you're doing to me? I try to think about what he would want with her and me but I can't seem to find anything.

There's really nothing he needs from me. But roxanne? Maybe. I'll have to look her up and see who exactly she is. "Oh caden your back. Where do you run off?" she asks, smiling but confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask coldly. Just stooping to Rivers level.

"Well I went to check on you this morning since I heard a bang last night but you weren't there." she says, still smiling. Does she ever not smile?

I shrug "I left."

She nods "i see that. Well I'm gonna change." she says, smiling at River and turning to go upstairs.

I stare at the door as I hear her heels clicking on the stairs. River's presence doesn't leave me and I try to take a deep breath now that we are alone and he can do whatever he wants. "Be nice to her caden, or i'll give you something to hate." he whispers to me not looking at me.

"Be downstairs in an hour, we are having breakfast." he says and i go straight to my room.

As I reach my room I take a peak in rivers and the door is closed. I reach for the knob and my hand shakes and feel the feeling again. I open the door and go straight to my closet. I open my bag that's right on the floor and I kneel and feel around for the pill bottle. I opened it and took out a couple... okay maybe a lot and downing them without water. I close my eyes trying to breath calm down. I feel really damn hot so I slide off my sweater trying to breathe.

In and out., in and out. fuck.

"Caden? Can i come in?" i hear roxanne's soft voice and i shove the pills back in my bag and stand. I see Roxanne walk in instead of her formal dress. She's now in jeans and a blouse looking white top. She sees me and smiles sheepishly. "Can we talk?" she than asks.

I shrug "i guess.'' I say and she walks in and goes over to my bed. She sits down and puts her hands together on her lap. I frown but I go over to her and sit down to confusion swarming me. 'What about?'' I ask and she turns to look at me. Her very bright brown eyes bore into mine.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure we are good."

I frown "what?"

"Well me and your dad are getting married and-"

"He's not my dad." I then spit out.

"Right sorry. I... I forgot." I don't speak as she looks away from me. How old is she agaiN? She looks obviously younger than the pubescent bastard downstairs. Well he is in his early forties she must be early thirties. Judging from her not very wrinkled skin and body. "I just got married and I'm going to be moving in... I just don't want there to be bad blood between us. Of course I know I'm not your mom... or anything for that matter but I hope we can get along." she says smiling sheepishly looking back up at me.

I shrug. Remember what the river said. "I guess." i say. Well obviously. What fuck else choice do i have?

She smiles more "good." she looks down and I notice her spare glance at my arm. I frown and realize I'm not wearing my damn sweater. I see it flown on the ground and I wince. Jesus. "What happened to your arm?" I see the not covered red lines I made a couple days ago. And some white thin lines I made previously. She has a small frown on her face confusion and worry. I almost rolled my eyes.

I move my arm. "Nothing." I stand "are you done? Chatting I mean?" I then ask and she clears her throat and stands, nodding.

"Ya... i- are those-"

"What's going on?'' I hear River 's voice at the door and I turn to look at his piercing alarmed eyes at me. I am more calm now since i took the pills so he doesn't affect me right now. Actually im kind of glad he appeared, or I would be having a very different conversation right now. one i dont particularly want to have.

I smile. "Nothing." I shrug.

He looks to roxanne who smiles. "Is breakfast done?" she asks. River nods and she starts walking towards him. River spares me a harsh glare and i smile. They both walk down the stairs and I go for the sweater that's on the ground and put it on. Damnit. This is why I don't take it off. The scars may not be on my wrist but the fresh ones are sure as hell seeable. The white thin lines not so much. I shake it off.

Hopefully she wont bring it up again.

I start walking down the stairs getting ready for this shit show and sliding my sweater on. I take a deep breath before going into the kitchen and sitting down. Looking at the food on the plate. Since when does River cook?


I startle awake as I hear the door slam shut. I frown and furrow my brows. Roxanne must have left for work. I fell asleep? I look in my hand seeing my phone. I turn it on seeing six flashes on the screen. I then look at the window and see the darkness. My mind is groggy and I get up in a sitting position as I look around my dark room. My head is pounding and my throat hurts like shit...

"Open this door boy!" my mind races as I hear the pounds and pounds at the door.

Boy. oh shit. My panic flows in and I put my phone under my bed and I go over to the door. He doesn't stop banging on it;. It almost breaks the door. When the river says boy... well it's never good.

I open it after a while and i see a furious River..


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