Adjusting to normality

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I call us part dread, part song part story, part wrong.
We built our castles in each other out of splintered spine and blood.
We met in grief and were held together by its mud.
Took crowns made of bones. placed it on each others heads.
We loved each other with fragments of ourselves that were dead.

Perhaps in a different universe we would meet so much better
- Nikita Gill

It had been two seemingly long weeks since they arrived in Jackson. The towns locally elected council allowing Ellie and Joel a couple of weeks to settle in before aligning them onto any rota'd and setting them to work. The period of settlement was entirely needed, it did take a while for the pair to adjust to this new way of life. It was strange, to not have to constantly look over their shoulders for danger. It was peaceful and that was something they both needed to get used to.

"Ellie!" Joel called out from the bottom of the stairs. It was Ellie's first day starting the school that had been set up in the community. With Jackson only having a population of around three hundred, the school wasn't particularly big. It probably only held around fifty pupils from the ages of six to sixteen. Maria suggested that it would be a good idea for Ellie to enroll to give her the chance to mix with people of her own age rather than being glued to Joel's side as she had been so far. Ellie however, was not enthralled with the idea - fitting in was never her forte.

"I'm up and ready" The girl groaned with her usual teenage attitude punctuating each word. She thumped down the stairs and purposefully brushed past Joel heading into the kitchen. She still hadn't quite returned to the old Ellie but after all that had happened in the previous six months, who could blame her? She often brought up what happened at the hospital with Joel, she could sense something was off but was unable to pinpoint what it was exactly and Joel remained entirely faithful to his story- even if it did hurt to lie to each time but in his mind, it was for the best.

Joel followed her but stopped leaning in the doorway. Ellie could sense him standing there, lingering. She huffed with a roll of the eyes as he began to speak.

"Look, I know you ain't happy about this but it's for the best" 

She raised her eyebrows "I don't get why I couldn't just get posted somewhere. Like, I could help with the animals or something- I'd actually be useful then"

Joel sighed and adjusted himself so that one arm propped him up against the frame. "Because you're a kid and you should be around other kids" he paused as he glanced up at the clock "You better get goin', you're gonna be late"

Ellie huffed as she flung her backpack over her shoulder and headed towards the front door. She paused for a brief moment looking back, a hint of concern slowly seeping into her tone "Will you be here when I get home?" she asked.

It had become a rather obvious fear for her, as much as she would refuse to admit to it. The fear that he would leave her here alone. The fear that he would act upon what he had said when they first came upon Jackson back at the start of winter. That he would pack up and go, not that she was sure on where he would even run to nowadays, his life was right there in Jackson.

Joel rubbed his eyes "Depends what Tommy has in store for me but I'll be back before dark"


He watched at the front door, watching the young girl reluctantly trudge her way towards the school house. He had been in two minds to walk her down himself. To ensure she actually turned up but ultimately, he needed to give her that independence. He needed to trust her- or at least act like he does.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now