'Tis the Damn Season

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A/N: Apologies for the extremely early Christmas chapter :') I've gotten a lot more written than I expected to by this point!
25th December 2024

The twenty fifth of December was once a date that consistently brought happiness and joy to many. A date where tradition, religion and family were celebrated. It was a date that had been nearly forgotten after outbreak day. Outbreak day and all the days after had torn families apart, had caused most to turn their backs on their religion. After outbreak day, there was no room for tradition or for most, happiness. Christmas Day was a long lost tradition and it was one the residents of Jackson were working hard to bring back. A single day where the community could forget about the threats of the outside world.

Ellie had heard all about how Christmas Day used to be before outbreak, through books and through stories told by Joel and Ava. What the day used to represent and how it was a day full of magic and joy. Although she had heard a lot about this specific holiday, she was yet to experience a proper Christmas. Whilst she was at FEDRA school it only went as far as making some shitty hand made cards for friends- if you had any. Other than that, it was just like any other day so when Joel had promised her that they would celebrate the day as traditionally as they could, she was beyond excited.

The bright light that reflected off of the snow from the outside pierced Ellie's eye lids causing her to stir from her slumber. She pulled the duvet up over her eyes until she remembered what day it was. She grinned to herself as she then threw the duvet off of her and got up.

The teen hastily left the comfort of her bed and headed downstairs. The house felt toasty which indicated that Joel must have been up for a little while as the heating was on and the house had warmed. She entered the kitchen and the scent of fresh pancakes filled her nostrils.

"Good morning sleepy head," Ava greeted from the kitchen table with a grin across her cheeks.

Ellie smiled and rubbed her eyes as Joel handed her a plate stacked with the sweet breakfast treat that dripped with syrup.

She sat herself at the table opposite Ava and began digging in. Pancakes were always a good start to any day.

Joel momentarily left the room before returning with two parcels. He placed them on the table and took a seat next to the teen once he had collected his coffee from the side.

The smile grew on Ellie's face at the sight of the two parcels in front of her. Did they get her actual gifts for today? She looked to Joel who nodded in gesture for her to open them.

She pushed her now empty plate back and enthusiastically grabbed at one of the packages, placing it in front of her. Carefully she unwrapped the paper and beamed at the gift hidden within.

Joel smiled in response to her reaction before explaining what it was, "It's a Polaroid camera. I found it on my last supply run. It's got film in it ready. Use it to take pictures of moments that are important to you and it'll print it out as a photograph."

"That's fuckin' awesome, thanks!" The teen exclaimed as she inspected the device.

Ava then nudged the second parcel towards her which prompted Ellie to place the camera to one side for the moment. She unwrapped the second gift with less care than the first and a blank book was revealed alongside a glue stick and some colouring pencils. Why was it blank? It looked to big to be a note book... and there were no lines... A drawing book, maybe?

"It's a scrapbook." The blonde stated as she watched Ellie flick through the pages.

Ellie looked at her slightly confused, "What's a scrapbook? It's empty?"

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now