To Feel

244 8 5

Friday 15th June 2029

"Lolly, c'mon. Give Daddy a kiss goodnight, we gotta get going, sweetie." Ava called out from the bottom step of the stairwell, her hands filled with Lily's little overnight bag and her favourite teddy.

God, she felt apprehensive about this... She knew Joel did too. She had been in two minds to tell Sophie not to worry about it but they both needed this night off. An evening to themselves with out the worry of a little face appearing at the most inappropriate of times. There had been a few very close calls now that she was tall enough to reach for the door handles... This was all going to be fine, right? Sophie had been minding their little girl for the past few years without an issue, so what's an extra few hours? It's natural to feel this way... she's just a protective momma- That's what Maria had told her last night at Lily's birthday party, anyway.

She sucked in a deep consuming breath. Lily was going to have so much fun, her first little sleep over. Sophie had assured her of a fun packed night that would tucker the little girl out before long...

Lily was tucked up in her usual spot, right under Joel's arm whilst he crashed out on the couch after his patrol shift earlier on in the day. She was a daddy's little girl through and through. If Joel was home then she'd follow him around like a second shadow, demanding all of his attention. That little girl had him so tightly wound around her tiny fingers that it was hard to believe. There wasn't a single thing that man wouldn't do for his baby girl. It was adorable and if she could be afforded with an unlimited amount of free time, she'd spend the entirety of it just observing them.

He'd even built her, her own Wendy house in the back yard for her third birthday. She had been thrilled when he had revealed it to her the previous morning. Her little hands clapping as she bobbed up and down with complete and utter excitement. Her own minuscule redwood house, complete with a play kitchen and a small couch. He really was the best father a kid could ask for- not that it was something the blonde ever doubted for a second; she'd seen him with Ellie and listened to the infinite amount of stories about her husband and Sarah told by Tommy.

"Daddy, I go now." Lily chirped as she began to stir in his arms. She managed to turn herself, clambering to her feet and standing up on the cushions of the couch so that she was now eye level with her father. She planted an innocent kiss to his cheek before falling into him, her arms wrapping tightly around the back of his neck.

Joel couldn't help the warm smile that grew contently over his lips as his own arms wrapped around her tiny body, holding her there, safe and sound within his grasp. Every day, she'd remind him that little bit more of Sarah. If it wasn't the dimples in her cheeks when she smiled, it was her larger than life character and certain mannerisms that would do it. God, he wished that Sarah was still around to meet her little sister...She would have loved her... "M'kay baby girl, remember what I told ya?"

"I be a good girl!" The little one responded with a grin, her little hands clasping at the loose curls on the back of his head.

"That's right n' then what?" He asked whilst holding onto her attention.

"Fishy!!" She beamed, throwing her arms up and into the air.

He sighed. Once again, it was him caving in to his little girls every desire- desperate to keep his number one spot as the worlds best Dad. Not that he needed to try so hard. This had all started when Ava had taken her to the market the other week. Lily wanted one of the freshly caught fish on the stand but not to eat, oh no. She wanted to keep the dead fish as a pet... Cut to a catastrophic melt down that evening when between the two of them, they then had to pry the silver scaled walleye fish out of her hard grip. Joel's explanation to her that fish were food and not a friend did not go down well, the small child being mortified at the fact that they were going to eat her 'friend'.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now