Final authors note <3

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I just wanted to say a massive enormous thank you to all of you who have followed this story through to the end, for all of the votes and all of the lovely comments- each and every one has been so greatly appreciated.

I started writing this story as a way to overcome some difficulties in my own life and then it somehow turned into a giant 86 chapter fic 😂 I didn't even think anyone else would read it so to have 24k views is absolutely insane to me!

Whilst I don't have a sequel planned for these guys, I do have a bunch of deleted scenes and one shots that I will be writing up and uploading in the upcoming weeks. I've been dying to write out the fish scene with Lily and the awkwardness of Ava being forced to give Ellie 'the talk' but couldn't make either fit into the story (86 chapters seemed way too many already 😂)

So if you want some more fluff, light angst and smut from these guys, give me a little follow to get the notification ♥️ (I'll also be open to any requests that you may have)

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you again for joining me on this journey of Ava and Joel's turbulent relationship. I hope it was as enjoyable to read as it was for me to write ♥️

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now