The Right Thing

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3 days later...

The snow had been relentless over the past twenty four hours. It hadn't been a blizzard as such but large flakes of fluffy white gently pattered down to the ground consistently.

It would be lie if Ava had said she hadn't worried. It had been six days since Ellie did her little disappearing act. Six days since she last saw her husband after he left alone in the middle of the night to chase after her.

Word on the street was that Tess had disappeared that night too... This little fact only concerning her further.

The blonde sat swaying back and forth in the old rocking chair on the porch. A thick knitted blanket draped over her shoulders as she held lily on her lap whom was sufficiently coddled by the thick snow suit she was dressed in.

At eight months, Lily seemed to notice her surroundings that bit more. Fascinated by all new sensations. The snow wasn't new by any means but in the recent weeks, the youngster appeared to be captivated by the frozen fluffy droplets.

Ava smiled down at her young daughter as her big, brown bug eyes fixated up at the sky. Even after eight months of holding the little one in her arms, she still thought of it as nothing short of a miracle that she had become a mother. Just over two short years ago, it seemed like it would be nothing but a pipe dream...

The little girl in her arms moved her gaze back onto her mother, her lips curving into an almost toothless grin. A small chuckle left Ava's lips as she cooed, "You like the snow, baby girl?"

The blonde took hold of the little ones chubby fingers and gently reached her arm out, tilting Lily's palm upwards. Her eyes following the path of a single snowflake that peacefully drifted down through the air and deposited itself into Lily's open hand.

Ava gasped in an and exaggerated awe as the infant focused on her palm that now laid empty, her little face perplexed.

"Where d'it go?" The mother grinned in a soft excitable tone.

Lily's large almond eyes beamed up to her doting parent, a cheesy smile spreading across her cheeks as she gurgled an amused giggle.

The precious moment abruptly disturbed by Ellie heavily stomping up the porch steps and storming into the house.

Ava's face dropped as she lifted Lily to her chest and rushed to her feet. Her voice full of anxiety as she called out, "Ellie?"

There was no response as she hurried into the house. Why was Ellie alone? Why did she totally bypass her? Where was Joel? Had something happened?

"Ellie!" She called out again as she followed the girl into the kitchen, "Where's Joel?"

The teen continued to ignore her, all of her senses muffled by the burning red-hot rage she felt. She reached for the handle of the back door, jiggling it forcefully before releasing a frustrated huff upon realising that it had been locked.

Ava's voice continued to drip with worry as she reached out to the teen, "Ells, where is he?"

Ellie shrugged her off. Her mind still clouded as she snapped back, "I don't fucking know!"

The teen instantly ran a trembling palm down her face with a sigh. She didn't mean to snap at's not like the blonde knew, it wasn't her fault... She just wanted to be alone. "He's fine."

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now