My Little One

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That word. That one singular word followed by ring of small pitched cries and the promise of a new future; it was as if a tsunami wave of relief crashed over them both. Nine full months of suppressed anxiety washed away to make way for a new set of worries but for now, in this room, the nurse smiling warmly at them with their precious bundle visible in her arms; it was just relief.

They both simultaneously allowed a gaspy heartened laugh to escape their lips as they loosened their once tense grip on one another.

The nurse beaming as she spoke down to the tiny being in her arms, cooing softly. "Let's get you to your mama, tiny baby."

Ava hadn't even noticed the comforted tear that rolled gently down her face, not until Joel's comforting palm came to cup the side of her head, swiping the stray tear away from her cheek with the pad of his thumb. Her eyes met his with a glossy twinkle as she leant into his touch, nuzzling into his palm. She was a Mom. And better still, the mother to his child.

The words caught at the back of her throat. A sense of disbelief flooding her, "Joel, w-we have a baby...I-I'm a Mom."

A small smile tugged at his lips, tilting her face up to his and lowering to press an elated kiss to her mouth. His fresh start, all coming together piece by piece. The home, the job, the woman and now the promise of pitter patters of tiny feet being the last missing piece of his jigsaw puzzle slotting perfectly into place. His chance to be a father again. There wasn't another feeling like it.

His hand moved away as the nurse approached and lowered the small infant onto Ava's chest. A warm weight pressing right over her heart, causing it to swell beneath. Her hands instantly moved up to cup her baby securely against her. She needed to feel that this was real. That their baby was really here and safely in her arms.

The newborns cry instantly seized at the comforting touch of its mothers skin, soothing the baby into a lulled state. The little cheeks of the small being snuggling up tightly against her, bitty fists scrunching at her chest. It was real. Never had she felt a love so instant, so all encompassing as this. Ava closed her eyes, lips brushing the tufts of dark hair upon the infants head whilst breathing in their beautiful smell. She could feel it already, how she would run to the ends of the earth and kill in cold blood for the child in her arms. Her perfect baby.

Joel's arm snuck beneath her neck as his hand gently caressed her shoulder. A soft kiss placed to Ava's temple before he rested his head against hers, both admiring their perfect little creation beneath hooded eyes, "I'm so proud of you, darlin'."

The corners of her mouth twitched upward, falling into his weight she nuzzled into the comfort that was her husband. Their little family now complete.

Ava's eyes fluttered back open as she pressed her lips gently against Joel's cheek, "Do you want to hold..."

Her sentence trailed off and her brows knitted together as she realised that they still didn't know the gender of their little one was. She glanced up at the nurse expectantly.

The nurse offered a warm smile to them both as she revealed what the two parents so desperately wanted to know, "Baby girl."

Ava felt her breath hitch slightly as she glanced gingerly towards Joel. For herself, she was delighted to have her own little girl to spoil rotten and love. The vision of braiding long brunette hair with ribbons, picking out pretty dresses and painting little finger nails. It was Joel she was concerned for, unsure of what his reaction was going to be. She knew it could be one of two... either he was going to be just as thrilled or that he would be succumbed by grief over the previous loss of his deceased daughter... She couldn't lie, it had been a concern that had plagued her mind from the moment those two pink lines had once again showed on the test... if it was a daughter, would he be capable of loving their little girl as much as his Sarah? Or would it just serve as an unwelcome reminder?

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