Don't shoot

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A cool breeze pushed through the curtains letting the morning light trickle through into Ellie's room. As the crisp air tickled her skin, Ellie snuggled into her duvet to retain warmth. It was a pleasant change from the unusual warmer days they had experienced over the last few weeks. The teenager groaned as the breeze picked up a little more, causing a slight but irritating whistle.

She slowly budged from her fetal position and moved herself to the edge of the bed, yawning as she rubbed her eyes from sleep. She gradually thumped her way to the window pulling it shut, abruptly stopping the whistling noise.

She turned her back to the opening and sighed. It was a Sunday. Whilst this meant that the School was closed, it didn't mean that Joel didn't have to work. This often left her alone to entertain herself for the day. The last couple of Sundays had been bearable since befriending Cat but she had plans with her Mother for the day, leaving Ellie on her own.

Ellie forced a comb through her brown locks before scraping it back into the usual ponytail and throwing on some fresh clothes. She had recently found a pair of green cargo pants that quickly became her favorite item of clothing, pairing this with a black hoodie.

She made her way down the stairs where Joel had left her a glass of juice, a slice of toast and a small note that read 'Please wash up'. The teen took a bite and let out another exaggerated groan through her mouthful as she read the note.


Ellie spent the remainder of the morning mooching around the house. Once the dishes had been cleaned she decided to take herself for a walk to avoid any further boredom. She made a plan to see if she could help around the stables. It gave her an excuse to visit Shimmer who was growing like a weed. The girl could swear the filly grew a hand each time she visited. She found being around the animals to be therapeutic with their fur being so soft and personalities so peaceful.

The weather had got increasingly worse as the day went on, with the wind picking up and drizzle started to come in, leaving the streets covered in small puddles.

Her journey to the stables was interrupted as a soccer ball was kicked against the back of her legs with some force, causing her to stumble forward.

"Yo, what the fuck!?" She yelled out as she regained her balance, her body shooting around to the direction of where the ball had bounded over from.

A couple of kids that were in her class stood several yards in front of her. One of the older boys called out in response "Sorry! Fancy kicking it back?"

She looked past the boy who called out, resting her eyes on a boy around her age with a smug grin on his face. Clearly it was him who kicked the ball at her. With that, Ellie booted the ball as hard as she could in the direction of the red headed boy, the ball flying and then thumping into his chest causing him to fall onto his back. She mimicked the boy's smug look, narrowing her eyes as he lifted his head making direct eye contact with her.

Making friends was never Ellie's strong point and she often struggled to fit in. The red headed boy had been antagonizing her for a little while, she had previously held back any retaliation knowing Joel wouldn't be impressed if she didn't and it got reported back but this time it felt good to finally retaliate and embarrass the kid.

There was an outburst of laughs as the group teased the boy who had been taken out by the young girl with ease. The older boy who called out initially shout back "Nice shot! You wanna join in?"

Ellie watched as the red headed boy pulled himself off of the ground soaked through and covered in dirt. He shot an disgusted look her way before walking to the back of the group. Ellie hesitated for a few seconds before then agreeing to join in.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now