Who the F is Ava

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Trigger warning: talk referencing S/A further down in this chapter.

It was nearing midnight by the time Joel had arrived back to the house. He carefully unlocked the door making a conscious effort to be quiet knowing that Ellie was likely to be sound asleep by this point. He moved soundlessly as he closed the door behind him and made his way over to the couch to check up on the teen. He was right, the girl was knocked out against the cushions, breathing steadily through her nose. Ava was parked on the other side of the sofa, her head rested back on the top as she too had drifted off.

He wasn't entirely sure why but the fact that the woman had fallen asleep on his couch made him feel somewhat uncomfortable. She was asleep. In his house.

He exhaled through his nose as he walked past her to take a seat in the armchair, purposely nudging the boot she had rested on the foot stall in hopes that it would cause her to stir.

Her eyes fluttered open as a yawn escaped her. She was quick to notice Joel who was now sitting to the right of her, eyes trained awkwardly on the large hands in his lap. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep... How long have you been sat there?"

Joel raised his brows at her, pupils flickering up to hers. "I've just got back."

Ava took a breath as she recovered from her nap, she looked down to her wrist checking the time, her face dropping upon realising the late hour.

"How's she been?" He asked, regaining the blondes attention.

"She's been quiet but I think that's to be expected. She did start telling me bits about your two's journey... She's a good kid." She nodded, her expression soft as she gazed almost sadly at the young girl beside her.

Joel simply nodded in agreement as his soft focus also landed on Ellie. Watching her sleeping form in the corner of the couch. It still amazed him about how deeply the kid could sleep, especially after all she's seen in her short time. He was almost envious. He hadn't had the pleasure of sleeping like that in... decades.

Ava spoke again, her voice mellow and smooth as she brought him back into the room "How'd it go? We heard the bell go off but I thought it would be best if she stayed out of the way..."

He cleared his throat, a rough palm dragging down the lower part of his face. Exhaustion slowly creeping in. "We explained the basics to the rest of the council and an emergency meet was called. Some people are skeptical but the majority accepted it..."

She smiled smally, an attempt to reassure the man who so clearly cared about the child passed out next to her. "I'm sure when they see her up and around over the next few days, it'll put their minds at ease."

There was a moment of silence as they reflected on the events of the day before Ava found herself yawning once more.  "I'm gonna head off. I hope she feels a little more perky in the morning."

Joel bobbed his head, a yawn escaping his own mouth "Thank you... for watchin' her."

Ava responded with a tired smile before making her way to the front door. She hesitated as she reached the frame, glancing back over her shoulder to the man who was still slumped into the arm chair. She spoke softly, her expression even more so, "Hey...You're doing a good job."

His lips formed a subtle upwards curve in response, an appreciative nod followed that sent her on her way. His gaze not leaving her retreating figure until the front door quietly clicked shut, her softly spoken words repeating in his mind. You're doing a good job.

He let out a deep sigh, allowing the stress to escape his weary body for a moment. He paced over to the teen, scooping her up into his arms before moving her up to her own bed. It had been a long afternoon.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now