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His dark eyes bore into hers, so much so that it almost came across as desperate. An attempt to intimidate her into submission that failed miserably as her decidedness didn't waver, not even a flinch.

His large now slightly clammy palm wiping down his face with a heavy resigned exhalation of air. It was the best shot they had, he knew that but it didn't mean that he was going to be at all happy about it. A bunch of pussy deprived men, ogling at his wife? Not something he would ever be fully on board with. What if it goes tits up? What if they put their hands on her before he has the chance to do something about it? Or worse, what if they could sense that it was a trap and slaughter her on the spot? Fuck, he did not like this idea one bit...

Ava could see the purgatory glaze over the lenses of his eyes. She never expected him to be fine with this, even before his stern words in the valley after escaping Boise. She was surprised that he didn't stick up more of a fight but how could he? He was outnumbered on this vote and her repeat of his earlier statement rang true. Lily had to come first.

She reached out and gently placed the flat of her hand against the centre of his chest. The warmth of her touch providing his tense heart a small achy relief. Inspirited pupils gleaming up at him, her voice smooth and auspicious, "Trust me."

It wasn't that he didn't trust her. There wasn't anyone on this goddamn planet that he trusted more. It was himself that he didn't have faith in. God forbid if something were to happen to her because he was too damn slow... If he allowed for something to happen to her, what would he do with Lil? She couldn't stay with him, he'd only get her killed as well... It was the whole blasted reason why he had to leave them in the first place.

He swallowed thickly with a reluctant nod of the head. What else could he do? This decision had already been made, regardless of whether his consent had been given. It was out of his hands...

It was Tommy who spoke up to complete the rest of the plan, Joel just being left on the bench to nod along and agree to whatever notion was put forward, "Sounds like it's settled. Ave's the distraction." He paused for a beat, half expecting his older sibling to blurt out a last minute protest but instead Joel leant back onto the wall, a stern scowl to his face as he glared at the tiles beneath his feet. Defeated. A good enough indication for the younger Miller to continue.

"M'kay so what I'm thinkin' is that we introduce Ave to the two guys by the car, Joel has her back n' takes 'em both out whilst their busy lookin' at..." He stopped to clear his throat, sparing a glance over to Joel whilst knowing better than to voice any further details. "Once that first shot is fired, the other three are gonna be looking in your direction. Me, Ells n' Tess can then get them from behind. Sound good?"

"S'good a plan as we're gonna get." Tess agreed. Ellie nodding along beside her.

"Uh, yeah. Sounds good." It didn't sound good. That was a lie. Premeditating to kill unsuspecting victims never sounded good or morally golden but for today, it was going to have to be and so Ava also forced out her approval.

This left Joel, who more or less grunted a response which could only be assumed to be his acknowledgment and agreement for the plan going forward. He was a natural born leader who others tended to gravitate towards and respect, whether they liked him or not. It was this skill set that shaped his ongoing success as the head of patrol. However, this trait alongside his general aloofness also meant that plans being decided against his better judgment, did not sit well.

The group dispersed from their rather close knit huddle. Checking over their firearms, ensuring they were sufficiently loaded and effectively prepared to follow through with their decided stratagem.

His jaw was ticking as he stood back and observed his wife swap out her modest tee for it to only be replaced by a strappy, low neck camisole that looked to be a size too small- a top he recognised as being one she usually used as an under shirt.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now