Sunshine pendant

501 12 3

9th November 2024

The school in Jackson worked slightly differently to how they ran pre outbreak, especially now there was no curriculum that needed to be adhered to. The school year now ran from January to December and due to Ellie's age, she would not be going back to school in the new year. Her time being seen as just a child rapidly coming to an end as she prepared for the to start her journey as part of the working community.

During school, Ellie and the other pupils of her age had been asked to choose their preferred roles to move into, whether it be in nursing, culinary, animal care, resourcing or patrol. They had to pick first options and then second options. These would then be sent to the council to be reviewed, who would then allocate the roles out to the students based on what they feel each individual would be best suited for. Ellie had very obviously chosen patrol and stable work as her first choice.

Whilst she was still classed as being a little too young to start shadowing actual patrols for the time being- both Maria and Joel feeling rather strongly on the matter when she initially mentioned the subject as a suggestion whilst trying to use her trip from Boston as leverage. The response being a resounding 'no' from both adults- about the only damn thing the two seemed to agree on. Still, it didn't stop her from harassing her guardian at all hours, a desperation to push herself ahead of the other contenders, a hope that she could slowly grind him down to caving. It took less time than she thought, when he finally relented and agreed to show her some of the safer routes in his spare time- a compromise, one that the teen seemed more than happy with. She was eager to prove to the council how passionate and committed she was, as well as how she would be a phenomenal asset to the patrol team with her experience of the outside world already being head and shoulders greater than the majority of the other youngsters applying.

Joel didn't have any concerns that Ellie wouldn't get her first choices. He'd make sure that she did- one of the only perks of having Maria as his sister-in-law. One comment to Tommy and he knew his little brother would make it happen. After all, she was most likely the only person in her age group that could handle a firearm sufficiently. Not to mention that she had already survived and fought much worse than a couple of stray infected and the odd small group of raiders. Nevertheless he admired her enthusiasm and agreed to show her some of the routes so that she was even better prepared.


The layer of pristine snow crunched beneath their boots as the bitter air reddened their skin and numbed their noses. Winter had once again begun to show its face.

Joel looked up to the many bare trees that stood high above them, all spindly and frigid against the heavy grey clouds above, "You gotta make sure you check the trees as well..."

Ellie cocked an eyebrow as she mimicked his gaze, her eyes squinting at the many bare branched up overhead, "Infected can climb?"

He glanced down at her, an almost cynical tone to his voice. What in the hell were they teaching these kids at school? "No, not infected."

The teen paused to think for a few more seconds before giving her second answer, her note pitching skeptically at her guess. "Humans?"

Joel gave her a curt nod before looking back up, "Yeah... They've been known to hide up in the branches. It gives them the opportunity to ambush so you gotta make sure to be checkin'."

Ellie made a mental note of his advice. She was trying to absorb as much as physically possible, "Got it."

She hesitated for a brief moment, his vast knowledge in the various tactics used by raiders and then his dubious past springing to mind. She glanced at him cautiously before allowing her question to slip out, "Is that what you used to do?"

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now