Good Morning

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Dawn broke and the mornings first light seeped through the thin threadbare curtains.  Joel stirred as the unfamiliar room gradually started to lighten up. His eyes slowly flickering open, to be faced with a mass of disheveled blonde hair. She was still sound asleep. Her warm body a perfectly snug fit against his own as one of his arms draped over her bare waist whilst the other rested beneath the crook of her neck. Even now, when asleep and unsuspecting, she was gorgeous. He nuzzled into the back of her head, inhaling her comforting scent that was now combined with his own. The bliss of early morning and the cozy heat of her her figure slowly lulling him back into a steady slumber. It was something he'd hate to admit, even to himself but he'd greatly missed the comfort that was a woman in his bed. In his bed... sudden recollections of last night's events flashed into his mind. Eyes springing open abruptly. This wasn't his bed... Fuck! He never actually made it home the night before. Shit. Ellie.

He had told her that he'd be home by eleven that evening... Promised her even! He adjusted himself slightly, trying his hardest not to awake Ava as he tried to catch sight of the time from his watch. The face was still cracked but he'd somehow managed to get it ticking again. She appeared to stir as she turned around in his arms but soon settled again with her hands now rested up against his chest, her soft steady breaths tickling his skin. She moved just enough for him to have a clear view of his watch. It was four in the morning... five hours after he was supposed to be home.

He'd be lying if he said that he wanted to leave. It had been the best nights sleep he'd had in fucking years but he had to put Ellie's needs above his own desires. He tiredly sighed as he glanced down at the blonde in his arms. He couldn't help it as the corner of his lip twitched upwards at the sight. He had his reservations at the start but he was glad he took a chance on her and that she took one on him. It took him some time to realise or rather admit it to himself but she was exactly what he needed. Someone kind and soft, funny and beautiful to soothe that harsh survivalist mentality and turn it into something human. She was doing a good job at it as well as he eyed up his clothes that were strewn across her bedroom floor. His body left bare and vulnerable against hers, their only protection being the thin duvet that covered them. Sleeping naked was something he had refused to do in decades... it wasn't safe, it left him exposed. What if he needed to get up and fight or flee?... Yet here he was, with a body more vulnerable than his own peacefully tucked up into him.

He gently traced the calloused pads of his finger tips down her arm. As much as he didn't want to wake her, he knew better than to leave without a word- he wasn't that much of an ass. She buried her head into his chest as she hummed into him, murmuring something incoherent whilst sleepily attempting to ignore his tries at awakening her. He squeezed the top of her arm once more time as she looked up to face him with a yawn.

"Mornin'." His low southern drawl thick and gravely as he stroked her hair.

A sleepy smile grew on the blondes face as she leaned up, cupping his jaw and leaving a delicate, tender kiss on his mouth. "Morning."

Why was she making it so fucking hard to leave? He smiled softly at her before letting out another sigh. "I gotta go. Ellie's probably wonderin' where the hell I am..."

Ava couldn't help but chuckle to herself, "I think she could take an educated guess to where you've been, she's a smart girl. She's just gonna kill you for leaving her on her own."

Joel grimaced as he wiped his hand down his face. The thought of the crude comments awaiting him at home already leaving a tension within his gut. "Yeah, I think you're right..."

The blonde patted his chest playfully, her lips curving reassuringly. "Go on, go."

He left one last fragile kiss on her forehead before chucking his clothes back on and quietly sneaking out of the house, being careful to not stir her housemate.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now