'Till Death Do Us Apart- pt 2

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A/N: Hot n spicy content ahead. I was going to skip it but couldn't rob you guys of the wedding night 🤷🏻‍♀️

The afternoon quickly bled into the evening and the celebrations soon left the old vineyard and made their way to the basement beneath the cafeteria, which had also been sufficiently decorated with floral arrangements, twinkling lights and of course a fully stocked bar with everyone's favourite alcoholic beverages.

Ava swirled around in her dress like as if she was some sort of Disney princess, moving from group to group to thank them for being a part of her and Joel's day. So far it had been everything and more that she had ever hoped for. The full experience, just as she had wished. The day had been more than perfect; from the weather, to the transformation of the vineyard, to the man she married. A day without a single thought of infected, raiders and whatever else lurked within the shadows that existed outside of Jackson's little bubble.

Since leaving the vineyard, she had barely had the time to stop and just be with her husband. She crossed him near the bar, her finger tips tenderly brushing his jaw whilst placing a quick peck to his lips before swiftly moving onto the next group of people to mingle with.

A contented smile crossing his lips as he watched her gracefully move away, the sweet taste of her still on his tongue. He had the rest of his life to spend with her, however long that may be and he knew that the moment they were to step through their front door, he'd have her undivided attention for the rest of the night. He could spare a couple of hours for her to mingle with their family and friends. It was a strange but satisfying feeling to refer to Tommy as their family as opposed to just his. Ava was officially his family now. Him, her and Ellie... no longer did it feel like a fragile make believe fantasy that he would occasionally allow himself to play into. The three of them really were now a little patchwork family....

He took some time out to lean against the bar and enjoy a well deserved drink whilst  just observing the general hustle and bustle of the room around him. The chattering, laughing, clink of glasses. He couldn't lie, he was surprised at how many people in the community had actually cared enough to attend... Although Ava's ability to befriend most individuals most likely had something to do with it. She was much more approachable than he was in that respect but he guessed that since heading up the patrols, he had become a respected and valued member of Jackson himself who was now known by most.

Rich approached him from the side with a rough pat to the shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. "Well done my man, and there you were this time last year telling me that it was nothin' but a fling."

Joel chuckled to himself as he sipped from his glass. Yeah... that had been a big fucking lie, "I was jus' kiddin' myself, tellin' you that bullshit. She was never gonna just be a fling..."

He had only said it because at the time he was feeling bitter and had believed things were over between them... oh, how wrong he was. If he was honest, he didn't think he even had it in him for quick flings anymore. There had been a reason why he was so hesitant to define their relationship at the start and that was because if he was going to let someone else into his life in that way, he wanted it to be something real. He didn't want to end up hurt or regretting his decisions.

Rich gave him an approving nod before his eyes began to scan over the room, "You bagged a good'un my friend... Now, where is that fire cracker friend of hers..."

Joel shook his head in disbelief with a smirk tugging to his face. Whilst Rich would come across as a womaniser to most - and they weren't exactly wrong- it certainly seemed as if he had developed a soft spot for Maddie. Although, he appeared to have too much pride and commitment to his morally grey reputation to admit to it. "Last time I saw her, she was over by the exit..."

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now