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Ava stood busy over the hob, wooden spatula in hand stirring away the red wine sauce that she had concocted. She reached for the bottle of Merlot that resided open on the cluttered counter beside her and carefully poured a few more millilitres into the pan, keeping a close eye on the smooth liquid as it slowly thickened to a syrup like consistency. The rich meaty aroma of the beef slowly roasting away in the oven pleasantly filling the kitchen.

She could sense Joel's presence lingering by the doorway, watching her from a safe distance as she resumed her usual role from whenever she had previously visited- preparing dinner. It had become almost like a weird sixth sense, being able to anticipate his presence within her proximity. Even at the party those weeks ago, she knew he was there from the moment he had stepped through the door.

"Mm, c'mere." She called out to him as she continued to carefully swirl the steadily thickening liquid around the pan.

Joel had managed to arrange for Ellie to be out of the house for the evening- god bless her making friends, allowing the couple to discreetly reconnect without being interrupted by listening ears and a big mouth.

He approached the blonde from behind, his large palms coming down to rest over her hips as he watched her prepare their dinner from over her shoulder. He pecked a gentle kiss on her shoulder, allowing his lips to linger over the spot as his gaze focused on the meal being cooked by her relatively skilled hand. A small but genuine smile tugging onto her own lips at the small endearing action.

"I managed to get the video player workin' again so we can put a movie on later?" He spoke, arms steadily wrapping around her front as she continued to work.

He hadn't really used it since their falling out. Movie nights were something they always did with Ava. It just didn't feel right without her there.

When he tried to get it to turn on the previous evening, the screen just buzzed with static leading Ellie to cover her ears from the god awful sound and run out of the room like an insect that was about to be sprayed with repellent. Thankfully, he troubleshooted the piece of technology down to a loose wire that just needed tightening and a bit of reinforcement, which he corrected whilst Ava initially started preparing the food.

Ava allowed her head to roll back against his chest letting out a content sigh as his warmth enveloped her frame. She really hadn't realised just how much she had missed his presence, the instant relief she found whenever he'd wrap is arms around her and hold her close.

She dunked the spatula in to the pan, collecting  a small amount of the sauce on its surface before holding it up toward his mouth for him to taste, "Try some."

He gladly reciprocated her offer by sampling the dressing. The richness of the wine tingling his tastebuds alongside the saltiness of the beef stock, "Mhm, tastes good."

The back of her head remained rested against his chest as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck, another kiss lightly brushed against her warm skin. A instant heat beginning to pool into her stomach as she swallowed thickly and attempted to focus on the task at hand. "I wasn't sure if I had used enough butter..."

Joel pulled away from her throat as he continued to eye up the pan bubbling away, his hand retreating back slightly to provide a reassuring squeeze to her waist. "No, it's good. Keep it as it is."

His broad form only engulfing her more as he reached over her, dragging his index finger over the heated surface of the sauce before sucking the collected contents between his lips, eager for another taste.

Ava lightly batted his hand away, gasping in mock horror, "Hey, fingers off! It's not ready... Jeez, weren't you meant to have been raised with Southern manners or something?"

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now