'Till Death Do Us Apart- pt 1

337 7 3

16th August 2025

It was set to be a pleasant day. The weather being warm but not unbearable, the sun sitting bright in a field of azure that stretched further than the naked eye could see, not even the slightest wisp of a cloud in sight.

Ava had wanted to stick to as many of the classic wedding day traditions as possible and so she had opted to spend the night at Maddie's where she would then prepare for the ceremony that would take place that afternoon along side her former housemate and Maria.

This left Joel alone that morning to get himself dressed and ready. Much to his dismay, his bride-to-be had gone above and beyond to ensure that he would be appropriately suited and booted for their big day. He paced the bedroom back and forth, fingers futilely fumbling around his collar with a pin between his teeth as he tried to dissipate the frustration that came from trying to correctly knot his tie- another long lost practice that hadn't so much as considered in the last twenty odd years.

What had been intended to be a sigh rumbled through as an agitated growl before eventually slumping down onto the bed, accepting defeat for the time being. Did he really need the tie? Would she actually notice if he conveniently forgot it? Of course she would... It was Ava...

His attention was adverted at the sound of his front door swinging open. The lack of polite knocking narrowed the guest down to one of three people. Ava, Ellie or Tommy.

"You here big brother?" A voice called up from the bottom of the stairs.

"Up here." He shouted out recognising the drawl as the one that belonged to his younger brother.

Heavy foot steps could then quickly be heard ascending the stairs as Tommy moved to greet his sibling. He stood in the door way, an amused chuckle slipping out, "Shit, I ain't seen you this dressed up since that court hearin' in two thousand."

Ah yes, that court date that had stemmed from another bar fight that Tommy had dragged him into. The muggy fucker had tried to press charges but thankfully there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute so the two brothers got away with nothing but a slap on the wrists. Oh, to be a gobby twenty six year old again... Although, in both the brothers defence, the other guy did start it by running his mouth at Tommy... but perhaps beating the shit out of the fella was a little over board.... Actually, a lot of the things Joel had done between '03 and 2023, the endless string of unjust crimes he had committed, were perhaps seen as beyond 'over board.' Bastard should've been thankful that it was a just a fist to the face and a few kicks to the ribs... could've been one hell of a lot worse... Now thinking about it in a lighter sense, that court date was probably the last time he had worn a suit. Over twenty four fucking years ago...

Tommy shifted his weight as he took a further few steps into the room, "Can't believe she's actually made you wear it..."

Joel glanced up as Tommy closed in, once again fiddling with the tie draped loosely around his throat , "Yeah well... happy wife, happy life... ain't that the sayin'?"

The younger brother continued to chuckle as he observed his brothers ongoing struggle with the piece of fabric wrapped around his neck.

"Fuckin' thing..." The older man grumbled before looking up to his sibling, "You remember how to tie these goddamn things?"

Tommy whipped the loose burgundy tie from the back of his neck to place around his own before tying it into the traditional knot. Before tightening it, he slipped it back off over his head and handed it back to his brother.

"I might be able to out smart and out skill you still on most things but I'll give you that..." Joel jested as he tightened the tie around his throat and tucked it beneath the collar of his crisp white shirt.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now