No More Secrets

395 9 5

13th February 2025

After some lengthy discussions over the last few weeks, Ellie had managed to persuade both Joel and Ava that it would be a good idea if she were to repurpose the garage out back into a bedroom for her. Her nightmares were now almost non existent, she felt a lot more confident being on her own now that she had Rufus. Moving into the garage also had a number of benefits for her; a bigger space, better privacy and also she wouldn't be woken up in the night by the cries of a baby. There was also the added benefit that by her moving out there, it would free her current room up to become a nursery.

Joel and Ellie spent the day clearing the garage from whatever clutter had built up over the past year and began moving Ellie's furniture into the new space.

The pair sat on the floor whilst dismantling her bed frame. Joel lifted his head to see Ellie struggling to undo one of the bolts from the side piece of the frame.

"Here." He voiced as he leant over and used his allen key to loosen it for her.

She looked up with a small smile, "Thanks."

It seemed like a strange thing to bond over but it had become a rarity for them to spend time together where it was just the two of them. Ellie didn't mind, she liked Ava and was looking forward to the little one arriving in a few months but it was a stark change compared to this time last year when it was just her and Joel.

"Joel!" Ava yelled out from downstairs as the front door slammed shut behind her, the impact sending vibrations up through the walls of the house.

Joel sighed and rolled his eyes. She sounded irate...again. Her emotions seemed to be like a rollercoaster lately, most likely due to the hormones that were changing within her body. One minute she was all over him as if he was the next best thing to sliced bread and then in the next breath she was wanting to rip him apart limb by limb.

"Yes, darlin'?" He called back, his tone of voice less than enthusiastic about the 'conversation' he was about to endure. He had no idea what this was going to be about, it could quite literally be anything. It was only two days ago that she had a melt down because he had left dirty footprints in the hallway.

Ellie smirked at him, "She sounds pissed and you just used your asshole voice..."

"Yeah. I know." He said with another sigh as he got himself off of the floor and back to his feet, "Two minutes and I'll be back."

Joel made his way down the stairs to find her waiting for him by the front door. She had her weight shifted to one side, her arms crossed and her jaw clenched. He shrugged his shoulders as if to say, 'what?'.

The blonde finally opened her mouth, "Why have I just walked down to the hub to find that I've been removed from the rota's for practically everything?!"

Ah, yes. That. It was a common argument that they would both have. Joel would ask her to come off of the patrols and she would fight back every time so after their most recent squabble, he had gone behind her back and removed her himself... and also from a few other roles that he deemed unsafe...

He took in a sharp breath before responding, "You know my reasons and you ignore me each time."

Ava looked as if she was about to explode. She shifted her weight so she was more evenly balanced and pointed her finger at him, "You don't get to control what I can and can't do! What do you expect me to do? Stare at these four walls for the next eighteen years?!"

Joel shrugged with a frown. All he wanted to do was protect her from harm yet she seemed to consistently fight against him, "No. Just work in the kitchen or somethin'."

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now