Salt Lake City

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3 days later...

Dawn had re-emerged up and over the horizon, with mornings soft first light reflecting off the ripples of lake water and illuminating the road ahead as the two women entered Salt Lake City.

It had been a straight forward trip, much smoother than the last time. They hadn't come across any infected nor any raiders or hunters. Three easy days was all that it took.

Over the course of those days Ellie and Tess created quite the bond. The teen shared stories from her journey from Boston to Jackson. She told Tess all about Henry and Sam, how she saved Joel's ass and some vague details of her time at the ski resort. In turn, Tess shared stories from her journey to Jackson. In fact one night as they huddled around a crackling open camp fire, soaking in all the warmth they could get, Tess had opened up a little bit about how her and Joel found their way to Boston all those years ago. Ellie knew that Tess was holding back certain details but what she did choose to share was enough to give the teen a glimpse of what their lives were like all those years ago. Joel had told her briefly how he had killed innocent people but never dared to share the stories that Tess seemed happy to tell. The teen hadn't quite realised just how brutal and ruthless he once was... it was a stark difference to the Joel she had come to know in more recent years.

Ellie glanced around in an attempt to find some familiarity with her surroundings. She couldn't remember much but she could remember the stained white fabric remnants of the abandoned hospital tents.

Her eyes continued to scan until they landed on an old faded road sign that still wore the grafiti'd  artwork of the insect that represented the militia group. Her head flicking over her shoulder to catch the older woman's attention, gesturing to the sign, "We're close."

Tess gave her a nod before pushing her stolen steed forward, "C'mon, let's get this done."

They rode for no more than a few minutes longer before stumbling upon the abandoned medical tents. Between them, they decided that this is where they would continue on foot.

The pair dismounted before tying their horses onto the rusted wing mirrors of an old yellow school bus.

Further signs were dotted close together indicating that the entrance to the neglected hospital was just a mere moments walk away.

They stood side by side as they arrived to the front of the abandoned building, the familiar artwork spray painted across the double doors.

Tess looked to the apprehensive teen besides her, "This it?"

Ellie's eyes fixed onto the notorious Firefly symbol splattered across the partition. When you're lost in the darkness, look for the light. She nodded absentmindedly, "Yeah this is it..."

The older woman noticed the girls vacant stare, as if she was deep in thought. This was potentially a make or break situation, "You ready?"

The teen girl remained quiet for a few moments. Was she ready? Ready to come out from the dark corner that she had been hidden in and face the light? She swallowed thickly whilst sucking in an uneasy breath, "Yeah."

The two women simultaneously pushed through the double doors and into what appeared to be an old waiting area.

Tess took in her surroundings with a reminiscent smile on her lips as she recognised the room to be what would have once been a minor injuries unit. She had been a boy Mom, her son being just six at the time of outbreak. She could remember sitting with him in a room just like this when he had broken his arm in a soccer practice accident. His tear stained chubby cheeks and little pout as the nurse told him that they had ran out of blue for his cast and so he had to instead settle for green.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now