The unfillable void

349 9 4

30th July 2025

Joel sat quietly in bed as he flicked through the pages of the book he'd slowly been making his way through, it had gotten slightly better the deeper he got but it still failed to keep his attention for anymore than an hour at a time. Even though he'd started reading before her, Ava had already managed to complete it cover to cover. She had a better concentration for things like that whereas he would seemingly get distracted by something else that needed doing around the house by page three.

It had been a cold start to the year but summer was well and truly making up for it as a heat wave hit. The room was hot and stuffy. He'd been awake since some ungodly hour of the morning but it was nice that it wasn't because of his deafening thoughts for a change. Actually, he had been uncharacteristically positive for the last few weeks. He felt lighter, happier.

Ava had also perked up massively since their engagement, as if it gave her the promise of a future and so long as she was happy, then so was he.

He sighed as he placed the book face down onto the night stand beside him. It was no use, he had probably read the same chapter at least three times in the last ten minutes but the words just didn't seem to digest. The constant distraction of Ava flitting in and out of the room wearing nothing but her underwear didn't help.

"Put some damn clothes on, woman." He teased as she once again appeared from the hallway in her ivory balcony bra that appeared to be a cup size too small- not that she could afford to be picky, mismatched with a pair of black Brazilian briefs. He didn't mind the view, he welcomed it in fact but he also recognised that if she didn't cover up, the only thing he'd be getting done that morning would be her.

She turned to him, slamming her eyes before pulling open the top compartment of the chest of drawers. Her hands delving in and rummaging through the pile of clean underwear. A frustrated huff forcing its way from her lips. "I can't... Firstly, it's too fucking hot and it's only nine and I - fuck- I can't find my strapless bra."

He raised a brow. She already seemed to be wearing a bra so why was she so concerned about finding another? "What's wrong with the one you're wearin'?"

"Strapless, Joel. I need strapless." The blonde looked at him as if he was bloody stupid, "Maria said that there are boxes of old wedding dresses that have been salvaged from an old boutique. It's where she got hers. I'm going over to try some on. I can't try them on wearing..." Plucking at the elasticated straps she allowed them to snap back against the skin of her shoulders, "this... it won't look right... I need it to look right..."

Joel's face softened. He was happy for them to elope privately, without all of the fuss and dramatics. He didn't care how they did it, as long as by the end of it he could call her his wife. He'd marry her right then and there, in their bedroom, half dressed if she'd let him. She'd never agree to that though, making it quite clear that she intended to indulge in the full experience of having a wedding day. She had been that little girl when growing up, the type who dreamt of her  big fairy tale white wedding. The people, the music, the flowers, the dress and of course a groom awaiting her at the end of the aisle. A venue transformed into something extravagant and all of the romance that came alongside it. It was a dream that had been long lost over the last two decades, one of the only childhood dreams she now had a chance of living. Joel wasn't about to stop that. If he could make at least one of her dreams come true, then he would... even if he didn't quite understand why there had to be so much of a palaver around it.

"A couple of extra straps ain't gonna do no harm for today. You'd look good in a fuckin' garbage bag."

"I'm not getting married whilst wearing a garbage bag."

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now