On Me Like A Tattoo

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A/N: Just wanting to say a huge thank you to those following the story so far! It means so much <3.
Any feedback or comments would be appreciated and each and every vote means the world <3

23rd May 2025

Ellie stretched, her legs hauling around to sluggishly stand from her bed, allowing herself to feel the muscles and tendons pull as she did, a satisfactory burn as they came to life. Most her age would have said that it had been a physically challenging week - she wouldn't have said so. Tiring, yes but challenging? No. After a few months of mopping up and perfecting her skills, she was finally added onto the rota and went out on her actual first patrol shadowing Tommy. Joel had purposely put her with someone other than himself knowing she'd listen better.

It was one of the shorter patrols, just to the first lake and back but she thoroughly enjoyed it, even though they didn't come across anything particularly adrenaline inducing (unless the lone moose that suddenly bolted towards them before darting back into the tree line counted.) It was just nice to be outside the walls for a few hours - something she'd never thought she'd admit.

Today she was to work at the stables. Seventeen horses that all needed turning out and their stalls skipped clean. She liked the horses. They were sensitive souls, calming too. Just nice serene creatures that helped mellow the tornado that was her personality. Of course, Shimmer was her favourite. The lanky bay filly still being too young to back at the moment but Greg, head of the barn, had said that she was more than welcome to assist breaking her in once she turns three years old.

The teen tiredly rubbed at her eyes, changing out of her nightwear and into some old slacks that she wasn't fussed on getting dirty. She indolently stuffed her bag with the necessities of the day; a bottle of water, a pack of crackers, a spare jacket and... fuck, where was her knife? Not here apparently, she decided after scouring through her drawers and shelves. It was a handy tool to have. Not for violence... not whilst at the barn, anyway but to saw through the baling twine that held the straw bales together or to slice apart an apple or two that made for a tasty treat to the animals she worked with. She must have left hers at the checkpoint on the previous days patrol. A vague memory of dapping it down onto the tattered desk whilst Tommy made her write out the patrol notes- something that she could swear he made her do simply because he couldn't be assed to do it himself.

She huffed as she made her way out of her space and trudged through the back yard. She knew that Joel kept one spare in the top drawer of his night stand- ' to use in emergencies', he'd say...she'd just steal that one for the day and ask Joel when she sees him to reach out to whoever was completing that route next to bring hers back with them.

She entered the main house through the back door, all seeming quiet as she ventured through the kitchen. Not that it was at all that odd these days. Ava had begun picking up small shifts in the greenhouse again during the mornings and Joel... Well, he'd be doing where ever the hell Joel did during day; building, fixing, planning or some shit. He wasn't on patrol, she knew that much. Ellie noted that Florence must have visited recently, spotting the still relatively fresh plate of raisin oat cookies were left on the counter. That was breakfast sorted, swiping one for the road and proceeding on her route into the hallway and then up the stairs.

Still not entirely certain as to if anyone was home or not, she edged quietly towards Joel and Ava's room. She knocked softly, listening for any signs of movement before opening the door. After a rather awkward incident the other evening she had learned rather quickly why knocking was important. In her defence, it was only five pm and dinner had been half prepared and then left neglected on the kitchen worktops. She thought of the worst, that something had happened with the house appearing to have been abandoned within a sudden moment but hurrying into their room with a sense of urgency was something she immediately regretted upon barging through the door. She did not need to witness that ...

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