Safe and sound

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Pulling Tommy into a brotherly embrace, Joel fondly clapped his back as both him and Ellie entered his brothers home.

"Congrats little brother."

Tommy let out a small elated chuckle at his older brothers words. After Joel's initial not so warming response to Tommy revealing Maria's pregnancy, he couldn't help but worry that he'd pull away once the little one was here. He'd try to understand, he really would but it didn't mean that it wouldn't hurt. Thankfully, this wasn't the case. Something had definitely shifted for the better since his older brother had returned back to Jackson. He seemed... lighter. More like the older brother he remembered from many moons ago.

The younger Miller lead them through to the living area where Maria was perched on the couch, cradling their new born within her arms. The small baby nestled securely into her chest.

The distinct smell of a new born child filled the room. The scent wafting into his senses and bringing bittersweet flash backs to Joel's mind. To a time when he first brought Sarah home. He swallowed thickly as he did what he could to push those thoughts down and bury them deep. It wasn't fair to ruin this for Tommy. Not today. Today, he had to be pleased for his brother and not visibly mourn his losses.

He moved into the living space, settling on the couch opposite Maria. Ellie excitedly bounded over to Maria's side and crouched down to get a better look of the infant.

"What is it?" Ellie asked enthusiastically. Although, perhaps not using the correct tone or wording for her honest question.

Maria let out a soft chuckle as Tommy joined her side, "Baby boy"

There was a slight pause as Ellie carefully used her index finger to pull down the knitted blanket from the babies mouth so she could have a unobstructed view.

The mother had a warming smile etched across her lips as she watched Ellie take an interest, "Would you like to hold him?"

Ellie looked up wide eyed and then turned to Joel for approval, who simply responded with a nonchalant shrug. She then nodded at Maria who gestured for the girl to sit down.

Ellie plopped down next to Joel and held her arms out in anticipation. Maria gently placed the infant in the teens arms before making her way back to her seat.

It was her first time holding a baby. He was heavier than expected yet so delicate. She was rigid and tense whilst attempting to cradle the tiny being, worried that one wrong move might hurt the small human.

"Mind his head." Joel's words grabbed her attention as he leant across and adjusted her arm so that the child's head rested more securely.

He looked up to Tommy who gave him a small appreciative nod at the gesture.

"What's his name?" Ellie asked inquisitively, her eyes still fixated on the baby cradled within her arms.

"Charley." Maria responded, that warm curve of the lips still softly present on her expression. She paused for a brief second before expanding with that small smile on her face pleasantly growing. "He's named after my father who founded this place."

Ellie smiled as she cooed quietly at the tiny being.  Her words and actions so delicate as if to not spook the fragile youngster. "Welcome to the world, Charley."

Tommy grinned as he watched the interaction before turning his attention to his brother.

"You wanna hold him?" He asked

Out of the corner of his eye, Joel could see Maria's face drop but before he had chance to respond to Tommy, the infant had already been plucked from Ellie's arms and was being handed over to him. He swallowed thickly, his focus fixing on Tommy with a forced smile whilst still feeling the tension of Maria's burning glare.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now