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February 2030 (6 months later...)

The months that followed the life altering events that took place in Seattle were no easy walk in the park. For Joel, it was like learning to live again. His body greatly weakened by the brutal assault, his joints just that bit more weary and his head plagued with reoccurring and debilitating migraines that would have him sat in a dark room alone when they hit. However, besides the pain and traumatic memories that would forever haunt his dreams, a newfound appreciation for his loved ones was born. A softer version of himself, one with more patience and tolerance. One that held on to his daughter that little bit tighter and told his wife how much he loved her that bit more often.

It wasn't even just him that suffered from the repercussions of that dire day. It felt like the whole of Jackson had by now experienced some level of fallout from the chaos that ensued. With Tommy following after Ellie and Tess with Jesse in tow as well as himself being written off as injured, the patrol team was suffering greatly. Not enough bodies to cover all of the routes had resulted in more than one close call with infected and raiders attempting to gain entry into the place they named home. Morale only dipping further when the gates of Jackson reopened just a month later to only reveal three of the four persons that had left for Seattle. Jesse was gone, killed in an ambush... Tommy had been shot in the head, miraculously only losing an eye rather than his life... Tess had more or less become a recluse, her face barely to be seen since they arrived back and Ellie? Well, Ellie was long gone... just a vacant shell of her former self that was clouded in heavy rage and anguish...her remaining innocence that she had previously clung onto now nowhere to been seen. All that pain and suffering- all for that bitch and some of her people to still be breathing.

To say it had been tough was an understatement but as the soft trickle of pale morning light seeped through the transpicuous drapes and highlighted in gold the woman beside him, Joel couldn't help but mellow his trepidations as he set his eyes on her. Ava's body tucked beneath the duvet beside him, she always looked so soft... even now. Her steady breaths fanning against the nylon pillow covers as she slept peacefully- it had been one of those rare nights where she had slept through undisturbed. He almost felt selfish for wanting to wake her, for wanting to have her to himself just for a few minutes before their rambunctious toddler burst through and into the room to demand both of their undivided attention.

He shifted his weight onto his side whilst propping himself up on his elbow. His gaze gentle as he admired her oblivious sleeping form... just as beautiful as the day he met her, if anything, more so now that he knew every part of her like the back of his hand. His eyes trailed up to her glossy locks, her signature bleached wefts gradually growing out to embrace her natural colour. It suited her, he thought so at least. She had hated when it first started growing out longer than she'd usually let it. He didn't fully understand it to start with, why the simplicity of her roots growing out caused so much distress. It was just a hair colour, wasn't it? No, it wasn't. He remembered that after...It wasn't just a hair colour- it was her mask. Her new identity that separated her present and future from her past. In her eyes it made her into a new person- a fresh start, but everything was out in the open now. She didn't need to hide behind a cover no more, she didn't need to fear about ending up alone again. The people she loved most now knew who she once was and they still loved her regardless, unconditionally. He wanted to see her, the real her with the brown hair that cascaded down over her shoulders. To provide her true self with the love and devotion she deserved.

She began to stir as Joel gently grazed the tips of his fingers over the supple cool skin of her arm, his face dipping to place a delicate kiss to the top of her shoulder. Slowly she rolled onto her back with a small grumble, her brows furrowing as her eyes still full of sleep fluttered open. With a deep stretch she reached out, her palms settling on each side of his jaw as she pulled him down to her, lips meeting tenderly. All warm and comforting as she breathed him in, the taste of morning on his tongue.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now