Lolly Pop

253 11 2

End of August 2027

"Oh my goodness she's adorable!" Ava cooed as the newborn snuggled into the comfort of her chest whilst being cradled in her arms. Her attention darting towards Joel with a familiar twinkle in her eyes, "Isn't she, Joel?"

He knew exactly where this was going and in no way, shape or form was he planning on buying into it, "Yep."

His attention turned to his brother and sister in law, who smiled fondly at the little one, "Congrats, what's her name again?"

Tommy looked to his wife proudly. His chest slightly puffed out and a small upward curvature etched to his lips. Maria's hand fell onto his knee whilst her head rested onto his shoulder, "We've named her Olivia."

It was clear that the couple were still very much in their own little bubble. That perfect little bubble where everything felt light and wonderful. Give it another week. A newborn alongside a toddler? Sheesh- He really couldn't think of anything that would burst that flimsy little sphere of love any quicker.

Joel's awareness was abruptly stolen back by his own wife as she gushed loudly, her gaze firmly fixed on the little one in her arms, "Oh, Olivia you are so cute, sweet pea. I can't wait for you to meet your cousin. You guys are going to be the best of friends!"

She couldn't pin point exactly what it was. The sweet smell that new borns carried, the teeny fists that clasp gently at your fingers and clothes or the endearing little noises they made, perhaps a combination of all three but the one thing she did know was that very suddenly, she felt broody as hell. Ugh, she wanted another one.

She sighed deeply whilst passing the infant over to her husband. Watching him position the youngster in his grasp, being careful to mind her sweet little head and softly blot away the dribble around her tiny mouth. Fuck, the sight was only igniting that desire further.

"God, I miss having a new born..." The blonde nonchalantly hinted.

Joel arched his brow. Here we go... This is how it starts, "N' I've missed the uninterrupted nights sleep that I'm only just startin' to get back..."

He couldn't help but watch with a knowing smirk as his brothers face dropped and brows furrowed in realisation. It would seem that he, at least, had forgotten about the sleepless nights and relentless exhaustion that a new baby brought. That bubble already very almost burst...

Ava fell back into the cushions with a slight 'hmpf'. Her reaction to his pessimism didn't go unnoticed as his spare hand came to rest on her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.

They remained at Tommy's place for a little while longer until little Olivia began to fuss. It was then when Joel deemed it a good time to leave as he handed the infant back to Maria who's mothering instinct appeared to immediately kick in.

As soon as the front door closed and the couple began to descend the porch, Ava's hand reached over to clasp his. Her delicate feminine fingers carefully intertwining with his thicker calloused ones.

Joel glanced down at their entangled hands and opted to allow it even though the mid summer heat made his skin awfully clammy. She still had that goddamn twinkle in her eye and a hesitation to her lips... perhaps he could humour her for just a moment... "What's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She shrugged with a small pout as her thumb mindlessly massaged the skin on the back of his knuckles, "Haven't got to pick Lily up for another hour... maybe we could..."

"I know what you're doin'..." He interrupted with a squeeze of her hand.

The smug grin across her face that she was so desperately trying to hide, was more than enough to give her intentions away, her voice squeaking out in a slightly higher pitched octave that usual. "What?"

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now