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The arrangement agreed between Tess and Joel had been going well. Once a month they would meet at the Tispy Bison, have a couple of drinks and talk all about Ellie.

Each time they met, the conversation ran a little smoother and less bitter. Whilst Ellie would always be the main focal point of discussion, some light conversation about each other would also occur, such as 'How're you finding watch?' Or 'How're the patrols going?". Since the last occasion where due to a substantial lack of babysitters present in the town, he had been forced to bring Lily with him and naturally this lead onto some casual conversation of how big she's gotten amongst other child related chat. Perhaps they could be friends once again?

This months update included how the teen had been a little quiet since her and Cat had called it quits. Joel tried hard to contain the surprised look on his face at the revelation, although he hadn't been convinced that he'd done a particularly good job at covering it. It wasn't the fact that they had split up that shocked him so much but... Since when were they ever together in the first place?? Apparently for nearly two years!? How the hell did he not know that? All this time he had thought it was her and Jesse sneaking around...

Ava wasn't mad at the fact that the pair were not so secretly meeting behind Ellie's back, Joel had been very up front with her about what the sole purpose of the arrangement was for. She understood, she really did but she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy each time he would trot on off to meet her. Each time she'd have to repeat it to herself like w mantra: He chose me. He married me. Had a baby with me. He loves me.'

However, the very moment he would arrive back through that front door and wrap his arms securely around her, all apprehension would melt away until the next time: He still chooses me, we are married, we have a baby. He does love me.

Her pretty blonde head rested upon the width of his thigh whilst his fingers soothingly carded through her pale locks of hair. The slightly rough material of his jeans all warm and comforting against the flesh of her cheek as they both settled on the couch to watch a movie. The sensation of his digits gently running over her scalp and lightly tugging at her ends had her eye lids growing heavier by the second. She could happily remain right there, in his lap with the light dimmed low and the television on in the background for the rest of her life. It felt so right, so safe... so normal.

As heavy as her eyes felt, she continued to fight it - Desperate to not fall asleep or take a single moment for granted. It was still rare that they'd have time for themselves, a few uninterrupted hours where it was just them. She wanted to make the most of it before allowing herself to drift off.

She felt his body shift beneath her to a more comfortable, relaxed position before she twisted around on his lap, now laying face up so that she could unapologetically gaze up at him. He hated it when she would stare, he never seemed to know what to do with himself, how to accept the compliment and so a small smile tugged to her lips as she watched his pretty eyes narrow in on the television screen with a new forced focus. The soft blue glow from the screen highlighting each of his distinctive features. He was so handsome and yet she found herself convinced that he didn't even realise it. Her hand reached up so her middle and index finger could delicately trace the long stubble that shaped his jaw line. He'd let it grow out a little more than usual over the past week... she liked it.

His eyes eventually dropped from the screen, landing softly down onto her. A calm and adoring smile etched to his lips, "What?"

Her own lips tugging in response as her bright gaze glistened back up at him beneath drooping lids, her voice soothing and mellow, "Nothing... Just taking a moment to appreciate how lucky I am..."

He smoothed his palm over her shoulder, down her arm and carefully tangled his fingers within her slight ones before lifting her dainty hand up to his lips and placing a soft kiss to her knuckles. The hold he had on her heart was like no other, she was bound to him. Even now, after the years they'd spent together, his gentle touch on her delicate skin still produced an uncontrollable warm fuzzy feeling that would tingle through her bones.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now