What Could've Been

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Ava couldn't pinpoint to what it was that had changed when they remounted their rides and continued towards the west coast but something in the air had shifted. A new added burden of tension it would seem.

The hours that followed were quiet, almost silent if it weren't for the gentle thuds of the horses feet against the hard terrain and the odd crack of a twig being snapped or clank of a stone being stood on. Tommy had made a few attempts of starting light conversation to no avail, his comments usually only being returned by a grunt, if that. Joel hadn't so much as looked back or even barked an order, his eyes solely trained out on the path ahead.

Tess's demeanour didn't appear too different from Joel's. The friendly exchange of stories stopped from the moment their feet touched the ground by the river. Her jaw was clenched tightly and it appeared that her eyes would dart between reality and... somewhere else. The women still rode side by side but it was in complete silence, the distraction of story telling no longer present to prevent their minds from spiralling into a pit of haunting memories and future scenarios.

Ava would occasionally glance to her right, hoping that a conversation might spark, desperate for any distraction from her own thoughts. It had been at least fourteen hours since she wandered into that god forsaken house and her world was shaken upside down...Had they got to Seattle by now? Where were they keeping her? Had they fed her? Does she have a bed? Have they hurt her? Is she still with Sophie or has she been passed onto someone else like nothing but cargo?

Tess offered no solace. Ava could recognise the subtle pinch of her brows and the emptiness in her eyes. Clearly she was battling her own turmoils....

They continued on this way until the warm hues of golden hour began to fade, being replaced by a much cooler filter of purple and blues as the day finally gave way to dusk.

It was a pretty sunset, one that filled the sky with many splashes of colour as the final rays of the light source melted down behind the horizon for another day, not too dissimilar from the one she was stood watching when Joel had proposed. That was a beautiful evening on the contrary to this one...Her lips twitched almost into a smile but she caught it just in time as the muscles in her face dropped once more. Mother Natures way of saying 'fuck you', it would seem...

The days last light was still clinging onto the summer night when Joel finally piped up. The first human made sound in hours. He nodded towards a small wooded area just to the left of them, his voice hoarse from the lack of use, "Should be safe for the night... tree cover'll give us extra protection."

It had been one of the only pleasures the group had been granted on the first leg of their journey, so far it had been uneventful. No people, no infected- not even a distant screech. She knew better than to expect it to go on this way, after all this was only day one and they were in the middle of nowhere... It wouldn't be long before they start venturing close to what were once cities...But for her own sanity she would take the only positive of the day and a safe spot to rest.

It didn't take long for the group to settle into their campsite. After a small fuss, Tommy had persuaded Joel to allow them to start a small fire. Explaining that they had enough man power to fend off any threats and also the simple fact of there being no threats so far to really worry about.

The crackle and radiating heat of fire was nice as the temperature dropped, something to prickle a warmth into her otherwise cold numb body. As soon as the fire was lit and smoking away, Tess had wandered off, returning a short while later with a dead rabbit slung over her shoulder sporting a bullet hole just off the centre of its skull.

Don't let go: Joel Miller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now