2. Vincent

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Seoul, Korea
4 p.m.
Happy-To-Go Cafe

The bells of the cafe went off as a customer entered, eyes straight, hand in his coat's pocket, wearing a mask which makes it difficult for anyone to identify him.

The bells of the cafe went off as a customer entered, eyes straight, hand in his coat's pocket, wearing a mask which makes it difficult for anyone to identify him

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"Welcome to Happy-To-Go Cafe sir! What would you like to order?" A boy behind the billing counter said cheerfully, ready to serve as the cafe was currently empty.

"An iced Americano." Came a cold reply. The boy nodded and muttered an 'okay', going behind the cafe, probably to notify the worker behind to make the order.
The man looked around and observed the cafe, noticing the warm and welcoming atmosphere which was completely opposite to his own. He spotted a corner near the window, finding it calm and silent, perfect to his liking. He went there and sat, sighing to himself and took his phone out, probably to kill his time till his order arrives.

He heard the bell at entrance ringing again, making him aware that someone has arrived.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" He heard a calm yet soothing voice of a male, making him wonder who can be the owner of that angelic voice. The door of the kitchen got opened and the same counter boy rushed out, having a smile playing on his lips as a silent apology.

"Hello and welcome to Happy-To-Go Cafe what would you like to order?"

The customer chuckled and spoke, "A cappuccino would be it. Thanks." the boy nodded and again rushed back in.

Taehyung, did not know why but felt an urge to look up and see who the man is whose voice sounds soo soothing to his ears but, his 'behave like a statue' personality was something which was coming in between.

"Excuse me sir, would it be a trouble if I sit here?" The same voice, this time more closer, asked politely making Taehyung to think maybe god too want him to look at the male's face. He looked up from his phone and

The boy was also wearing a freaking mask just like him

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The boy was also wearing a freaking mask just like him. Wow! For the first time in his life he felt the need to think why human had to create a damn mask huh
Ironic right?

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