18. Devil's angel

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Taehyung stirred a little in his sleep, humming softly yet lowly when he felt something soft pressed against his chest. He gently opened his eyes, only to smile at the cute sight of his boyfriend's cute chubby cheek being pressed against his hard, muscled chest.

"Aren't you the cutest my little bunny." He slowly pecked his head and sighed, looking at the clock to see only 2 hours are left for the wedding to start.

"I have to get going...." he looked down and was not able to take his eyes off the beautiful little human in his arms, feeling the urge to do nothing but to have the younger in his arms like this forever.

He wish he could wake up with this sight every morning..........

"Wake up love.... we have to get ready and be a little early for the wedding... wake up... my sweet little sunshine." Taehyung slowly whispered, voice a little husky yet deeper. He smiled when he saw the younger furrowed his brows and stirred a little, waking.

"There.... wake up sweet heart..... we gotta get ready for the wedding." Jungkook slowly nodded sleepily, pressing himself further towards Taehyung and humming softly.

"Sorry love but you gotta wake up now or mom will scold us for getting late............... or maybe she will assume we were busy with some stuffs." Jungkook jerked up from his sleep, whining at the smirking male infront.

"Way to ruin my sleep hyungggg!!!"

"I tried it sweetly at first love." Jungkook pouted and huffed.

Taehyung smiled, whipped for the male infront.

(Readers:- we knowwwwwww...)

He was about to say something when his phone rang, making him raise an eyebrow in confusion but his features soon turned hard when he read the name.

"Sorry bun but this is important. Hyung will be back soom hmm." He excused himself and went to his room's attached balcony with his phone.

"A little blink of eyes won't hurt right?" Jungkook said to himself and immediately latched to Taehyung's pillow, cuddling the hell out of it, sleeping peacefully in delight.


"Yes?" Taehyung said coldly

"We have captured Josh Mr. V."

Taehyung's anger rose at the mention of the name.

"Great, where have you kept him?"

"We contacted JM and he said to take him to Daegu base."

"Good work, I will be there soon." Taehyung cutted the call and went back, anger seeping his brain as he walked inside his room but the heavenly sight of younger's waist peeking through his thin shirt was something which subsided his anger with something else..

"Fuck...." V whispered to himself, eyeing the delicious yet delicate thin waist of the younger.

Jungkook assumingly felt the intense gaze, groaning and turning around, woke up, only to find Taehyung staring at him with an emotion he couldn't name but whatever it was................... it made him feel weak and submissive.


"Sorry bun but I gotta go somewhere urgent. Can you please go to the venue directly with mom and dad, I will inform them and will directly meet you there." Taehyung informed, trying take his mind off from the seen earlier which seem to have a long lasting imprint over his memory.

"Ok..." Jungkook pouted

"But you will come soon!"

"I will bubba, hyung promise to come to you soon." Jungkook smiled and nodded.

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