56. Such a Liar

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"Here are your rooms sir, 204 and 205. Hope you have a comfortable stay here." The bellboy instructed and leaves with the same polite smile which was sticked to his face ever since Jungkook and Yoongi entered the grand hotel.

"Take some rest Kook, we have to go to the seminar at 5." Yoongi advised and moves to his room, visibly tired.

Jungkook took his luggage in and sighed, again looking back at his phone which he was doing since the plane landed.

"Please pick up the phone once...."

Ever since they landed, Jungkook has been trying to contact Taehyung yet was not able to. The messages send were just delivered while the calls made were going straight to voice note.

He thought that maybe the other was busy in some meeting if it would not have been 1 hour. The elder would have atleast returned a short reply back to his message.

And also, it wouldn't have troubled Jungkook that much as he knew Taehyung can take care of himself yet...... somewhere he felt that something is going to go wrong, very wrong.

He sighed for the nth time and sat on his bed, tired.

"Hello Taehyungie, how are you? Just reached the hotel, everything's fine here, but I miss you a lot already...... *sighs* Leaving a note so that you can call back when free though I suggest you to not if you are tired." Jungkook's words didn't matched his tone, "bye... love you, say Hi to Jimin hyung from me..." he sends the short note.

After staying still in the same position for minute, Jungkook stood up and decided to take a shower.

He settled down again on his bed once he was dressed in some comfortable clothes, planning to take a little nap soon. He was on his phone, mindlessly roaming from one app to other with a hope within that Taehyung may message back anytime.

He was reading some random articles from France as his phone was still suggesting some places detecting from his previous location but his thumb stopped scrolling once he read a suggested news on the options, just below the article.

'I am just getting paranoid, it isn't what I am thinking.'

He slowly clicks the highlight blue letters, waiting for the site to be opened.

Once opened, he felt his heart dropping down, the already fasten heartbeats all of a sudden slow. He was in absolute shock.

French People Republic

The recent news has been spreading rapidly around the world about the unexpected demise of the CEO of IcyFlame's, Mr. Kim Taehyung.

Mr. Kim has been spoted in Paris in the last few days with his husband, Mr. Kim Jungkook.

Yesterday night, Mr. Kim had been seen seeing off his husband at the Marianne International Airport of France. Our resources has informed us that Mr. Jungkook had flee to America that night with his Sceratary and staff and Mr. Taehyung, along with his Sceratary Mr. Park Jimin and went to the airport to bid them.

The accident due to which the mishap has taken place is being assumed to be done after both of them were returning back to there hotel from airport on a vacant highway.

According to our sources, a bus with only having a driver in it was moving on at that time on the highway.

Through the CCTV cameras placed around the area, it has been captured that driver had purposely driven into the car in which both the males were.

Not being there on time, it is rumoured that Mr. Kim died in the ambulance while Mr. Park is still in the ICU.

Police is trying to find the mastermind of the whole planning as the said driver has been found dead in the outskirts of the city with high assumption of poison in his body. The vehicle is still not found yet-

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