28. Mission Find It!

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Taehyung was driving fastly. He hurriedly left the party after doing his damn formalities and is now racing to Jungkook's penthouse cause 1. He needs is bun and 2. He is in trouble so it's better to apologise before being in serious trouble.

He fastly parked his car and moved out, literally running-walk to the door of the penthouse.

He huffed and puts the digital password in, entering in slowly.

"Bun are you there?" He asked as to not scare the younger with his sudden appearance and immediately went in when he saw the lights of the drawing room on.

"In the drawing room hyung!"

Soon the voice confirmed his assumption as he sighed and took his shoes of, silently praying that Jungkook would have not seen that voice message or else he doesn't know how will he end tonight.

'All thanks to my so called brother from another mother!'

He moved in and silently took a breath in relief when he saw the younger sitting in one of the long couch, watching T.V while eating ramen.

"Your party ended soon?" Jungkook asked, eyes focused on the amazing T.V show.

"And that's how bunny scents there mate. We will be looking further on how a bunny builds his nest!" The anchor said as the camera gets focused on the cute little rabbit who was munching his carrot.

"Cute..." Jungkook muttered as he slurrped his noddles.

"Ahm it didn't got ended..... I just got bored so I came early." Taehyung reasoned

"Hmm..." Jungkook puts the now empty bowl down as he drinks water.

"Why are you standing? Come sit." He pats the seat beside him. Taehyung nodded and did as ordered.

"Atleast you could have changed your clothes, silly hyungie." Jungkook shakes his head dramatically and stood up.

"I will be right back." He muttered as he went into the kitchen with his empty dishes.

Taehyung released a deep breath sigh and immediately straightened, face straight and eyes focused as if he is in a mission, well he do is, mission to get the recording deleted!

He roamed his eyes around the area in an attempt to find younger's phone but groaned when ended with defeat. He stood up, roaming around to find as he could not take the risk!

Funny how he has nothing to do with it yet he's soo worked up for the same.

"Found it!" He mutters silently in victory when he got the small device between the space of the couches.

He hurriedly opened it and took a sweet moment of admiring the younger's wallpaper, which was obviously he himself before he came out of his self praising session and immediately opened the younger's messenger app, searching for the recent message from a certain midget.

"Founded the recording yet?"


Taehyung muttered but frozed when he realised...  oh no!

He nervously looked at Jungkook and smiled awkwardly which the younger returned with his sweet one.

"I-I ca-can explain..."

"Good thing I don't need one." Jungkook smiled sweetly before his face turned blank.

"Lover huh?"

"Bun it's-"

"I see your employees has the guts to openly claim you in public."

"I didn't even know!"

"I wonder how foolishly that girl must be smiling while claiming something so out of her potential." Jungkook slowly moved towards who gulped hard at younger's deep yet angry voice.

"B-bun... I am sorry..."

"Why are you sorry though?"

Jungkook plopped on Taehyung's lap, wrapping his arms around his fiancée's neck while Taehyung immediately wrapped his around younger's tiny waist out of habit.

"After all..... you were not knowing it.... right hyungie?"

Jungkook slowly glides his index finger on Taehyung's sharp jaw as he looked sharply into his eyes.

"Trust me Taehyung hyung..... it took every ounce of me to not invade your so called party right than... the urge to slam her face against the table was too much you know." Taehyung gulped, in a situation so serious like this, why the heck does he found Jeon Jungkook soo hot!

"But than.. why should I care about that witch when I already know you are mine." Jungkook gave a small teasing smile before he gave Taehyung a quick peck and stood up.

"Mr. Fiancée, be careful. I worry you may lose one of your DeDiCaTeD employee soon."

Jungkook turned on his heels and moved to his room, leaving a shocked yet amazed Taehyung behind.

"Wow...." he whispered silently

"You coming in too sleep or you wish to sleep in the couch itself?!"

"I am coming!"

God knows when Jungkook will change his mood, better take the advantage.


This bish loves to play with her view and votes<3

Short chapter I know but I didn't got time (sowwrrryyyyy)

Guess what? The DM of my district announced a holiday for the schools tomorrow just to cancel it after some hours?! WHY????!!!!!!!!😭😭😭

Does she likes to play with emotions or what(gotta go school unwillingly tomorrow too aishhhh!)

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