27. Boyfriend?

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"I told you this will end up nasty." Taehyung silently whispered to Jimin as they observed the overly laughing(which was fake for sure) and dumbly smiling employees of IcyFlame's.

Taehyung sighed and took a sip of his whiskey, too tired already with the drama.

"When is Xan coming?!"

"Chris, his right hand, informed due to some traffic issues they will be late.... maybe for 15 minutes?" Taehyung groaned

"I hate this! I could have been cuddling my bunny instead of being here in shit past midnight."

Jimin gave an uninterested look and sipped his scotch.

"You are a fuking mafia so fill your duties as one!"

Taehyung glared at short male before his mind diverted forwards.

"I will go and get some timepass with the financial department's manager than, people say he is a interesting person to talk too." Jimin shrugged, taking his phone to probably kill sometime as he muttered a silent 'okay'.

Taehyung stood up, straightened his coat a little and went towards the old man.

"Lin you told Mr. Kim will be there to pick you up, why you came through cab than?" Jimin heard a voice from the girls two seat beside him. He would have give no shit to it but Taehyung's name getting involved made him interested so silently, acting like he was doing something on his phone, he listened there conversation.(he may or may have not opened his voice recorder to record it.....)

"Ahmm... yea, Taehyung was going to but I declined him." Lin said, trying to mask her nervousness.

"Why?" One girl asked

"Obviously to not make it obvious that we both are in a relationship silly!" The group heard a burst of laugh from the beside seat, only to find Jimin laughing his ass out.

"S-sorry hehe my friend just sent a nice joke." He spoke smartly, trying to control his laugh.

"No problem Mr. Park." One girl said politely as they again got engaged with the conversation.

"I still can't believe Lin. You, in a relationship with The Kim Taehyung, wow!" One of the girl squealed happily while Lin chuckled awkwardly, "yea..."

"I still refuse to believe that, come on Lin we are your friends, atleast introduce you boyfriend to us."

"I-.... girl you already know that he's always busy right? No worries! I will try to in our next date." Lin swiftly dogges the question.

"Okay you can't show it but atleast you can tease him." One girl said mischievously

"Like?" Lin asked confusingly

"Look, you already look ravishing in your long knee cut length dress girl. Try to flirt with someone here, maybe we would be able to get an expression out of your BoYfRiEnD!"

"Hehehe oh nice." Lin internally sweated

"But I would not do that."

"Why?!" The girls pouted

"I definitely don't wanna get punished by daddy...." Lin blushed crazily at the imagination, making the girls to giggle at the shy girl.

"And after all.... what more proof do you need huh? I already told you all about the party first and guess who would know it, obviously the one Taehyung would have told and guess how I know it? Obviously he told me cause-"

"Stop rambling" Lin pouted as one of her friend interjected

"I will make sure Tae will reduce you salary by 10% this month."

"Oh future Mrs. Kim please no!"

Lin smirked

Jimin grinned, okay he got the notification from Chris saying that they are already waiting in the room for V.

"Thanks for entertaining me girls!" He chirped and moved to Taehyung, leaving the confused girls behind.

"We did what?" Lin asked

"Don't know." The other shrugged


"Yea sure Mr. Choi, I will try that." Taehyung smiled fakely, internally regretting to talk to the old man. Hell to people who say he is interesting to talk to!

"You know last time-"

"Am I interrupting something?" Jimin asked as he smiled mischievously, making Taehyung to sigh a breath of relief internally.

"Oh no Mr. Park." Mr. Chou said politely

Jimin nodded

"I feel sorry Mr. Choi but I need Mr. Kim for some business related stuff."

"Oh yea sure sure."

Jimin and Taehyung excused themselves and left the party.

"Talking to Choi was hell! He's a good man but can he for get out of his so called obsession with fish oh gosh!" Taehyung groaned

"But I must say I enjoyed you absence." Jimin giggled

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, come we reached." Jimin said before his face turned cold, his smiley grin nowhere to be seen now.

He opened the door as they both entered in.

"V...." Xan stood and bowed a little in respect while Taehyung nodded, expression dark.

"You brought the money?" He asked coldly

"Straight to the point as always."

"This is a very important drug deal and I won't like to beat around the bush with you bullshit so better give me my money or take my bullet."

Xan visibly flinched at the sharp edged voice before he nodded and asked his man to bring the bag of money.

"Here's the money."

"Your drug is already placed at your car's diggy behind hotel's parking. It was nice dealing with you Xan." Taehyungstood and turned.

"And it was not nice of you to plant your sniper at my party Xan. His dead body is also in your car." He moved and exited with his right man holding the bag in one hand, leaving a shocked Xan behind.

"Fuck!" He cursed in misery, already knowing he is now one of person who is going to die next.


"Now tell me what's it?"

"Just listen this." Taehyung got confused but took the phone and opened the voice record, face shocked till the time it got ended.


"What what? You turned out to be a master V!" Jimin chuckled

"This girl is crazy!" Taehyung exclaimed

"Thank god Jungkook doesn't know this.."


Taehyung looked at Jimin in horror.

"No you didn't!"

"Sorry but I was tempted!" Jimin teased and went ahead, joining the party again, leaving a miserable man behind.

"God save me!"

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