51. Can I go?

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10:36 p.m.

The tired man went inside his home, tired from working all day, wanting nothing but to cuddle his husband and sleep.

He went inside and found total silence

Taehyung was too tired to think anything as he went inside the kitchen.

Just one glass of water and he is ready to sleep.

He went inside and opens the light of the kitchen, only to find Jungkook sitting there with his eyes closed, one hand supporting his chin while the other was on the table.

"Oh my poor baby.." Taehyung coos silently and went infront of him, sitting in front of him.

He took the same position and stared at his love fondly, all tiredness suddenly flee away.

A small smile took place over Taehyung's earlier tired feature in adoration when he saw a small, tiny pout resting on younger's lips.

Taehyung didn't noticed how fast time fled until, accidentally Jungkook's palm below his chin slipped, making both of them to flinch at the unexpected slip.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw Taehyung in front, though still in office suit.

"W-when did you came hyungie?"

"Just a few minutes ago..." Taehyung honestly didn't knew

"Oh, come let's eat." Jungkook smiled widely and stood up

"Why didn't you slept bun?" Taehyung asks slowly, looking at his husband

"I was waiting for you..."

"I messaged you that I would be late.."

"I didn't felt right eating alone."

"You shouldn't do this babe, you have an early meeting tommorow you said."

"About that...." Jungkook turns and looks at Taehyung with a little timid glance, making him raise an eyebrow at the sudden change in younger's demeanour.


"What is it?"

"I have to go."

Taehyung frowned

"To where?"

"Paris, have a meeting to conduct there........ from there, I will be leaving for America for an international conference..."

"I see...." Taehyung spoke, unbothered

"You OK with this last minute thing?" Jungkook asked slowly

"Nope, who's going with you?" Jungkook serves Taehyung his dinner as he sat in front of him with his.

"Me, Yoongi hyung, my assistant and a few employees.... total 5..."

Taehyung nodded in acknowledgement

"Have a nice trip than Mrs. Kim."

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