36. Wild (M)

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Taehyung moved up, diving in for an another make out with his husband as he slowly yet sensualy grinded his clothed member against younger's exposed one, teasing him ; making him (JK) moan loudly into the kiss.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm........ too much hyung ahh..."

Taehyung ignored the protest and continued his actions, slowly speeding up.

Jungkook hummed soundly, feeling his husband's hardness against his own.

Taehyung dipped his head down in younger's collarbone, groaning at the way the pleasure hit as Jungkook's finger tips took a hold over his scalp, making him moan lowly at the feel.

Setting out, without wasting anytime, Taehyung ripped his clothes away, jumping back into the bed over the same position quickly.

"Hmmmm.... you smell soo good bunny. I can feel myself getting addicted to you mhmmm..." Jungkook's lips parted when Taehyung sucked his earlobe sensually, making him let a breathy moan out at the feel.

(A/n:- I refuse to believe that I am writing this 😭)

Taehyung parted away and sat up, looking at the devine beauty under him which makes him feel a feeling taking over him..

The feeling of caging this beauty to himself.....

His left hand slowly cupped younger's left cheek, having a soft yet intense eye contact with each other.

His thumb slowly brushed over his cheekbone a few time before it trailed down slowly, tracing his sharp jaw before it went down and grabbed his neck, making Jungkook's breath hitch at the not so tight yet firm hold, still maintaining his eye contact with Taehyung.

"You are so precious to me love..."

Slowly Taehyung left it as his hand trailed down, coming collarbone which was covered in red and purple bruises.

"So fragile..."

It trailed down further, slowly encircling the red, swollen peck of his chest, pressing it from the tip with a little pressure, making Jungkook to arch his back at the painless pleasure, eyes close as he took a deep breath.

"So pure.."

Taehyung was noticing and in taking each and every action with a dark gaze, having a predator gaze, as if a tiger is observing his prey's moment before he hunts it down.

The more he looks, the more his desire to have the younger increases....

He hand slowly moved down, sliding down slowly through his curvy waist, making younger's toes curve in at the heavenly touch.

"Only mine.."

It slowly moved down, grabbing holding of one of his thick thigh, lifting it up and slowly slipping in.

His long yet slender point index finger encircled the rim of his entrance, making Jungkook to let out a silent moan.....

"May I red?"

Taehyung's eyes screamed hunger yet his words spoke one last assurance............ good thing it matched with Jungkook's desire.

"Y-yes..... yes...."

With that permission, every self restrain, every self control, every boundary which Taehyung builded for Jungkook broke as his mind went hazy and his heart got filled with a new desire.

His finger slowly slipped in as it got back out within, repeating the movements back as he focused his gaze on younger's face expression, looking to see any sought of expression that screams pain as making his husband uncomfortable would be the last thing he would like to do.

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