19. Cousin

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Call from Jimin....

"The fuck you want?"

"Is that how you greet me idiot!"

"Jimin I am seriously not in a mood to talk right now....."

"As if you are always... leave it where are you?"

"M driving back to the mansion to change into my suit and will than head to the wedding venue."


"The call is connected to car's bluetooth so no I am not totally focused on it while driving."

"It's dangerous"

"Why did you called?" Taehyung seriously was not in a mood to talk as nothing but clouds of anger were moving around his head. He seriously needs his bun around him right now.....

"Arthur must have informed you about Josh."

"Yes I am just coming from the base only."

"Ohhh........ you didn't killed him right?"

"I planned not to but-"

"He was the main suspect who would have helped us in finding the boss of our rival group!"

"I know and I was going to keep him alive till than but...." Taehyung let's out a frustrated sigh

"But what?!"

"He just provoked me and you know my tempor.... plus he dragged Jungkook in it which made me kill him right there."

".....*sighs loudly*.....I.. don't have any words?" It came out like a question.

"I don't need any response either. Call Hoseok and ask him to do it instead."

"On it........ but wait, are you clean?"

Taehyung looked at himself through the car's windshield rear view mirror and noticed he was all covered in blood which was definitely not his....

"M not"

"What if Jungkook sees you like this idiot!"

"He will not cause I have already sent him to the venue with mom and dad." Thanks to the car's tinted glasses or if anyone would have seen Taehyung than they would have been horrified.


"Anything else?"

"Just wanna drop one last bom."

"That is?"

"Max will be present there in the wedding."


The call is cutted

"Fucking hell!" Taehyung cursed loudly and speeded his car cause his innocent bunny meeting that bastard of an asshole could be the last thing Taehyung would let happen.

He fastly parks his car and went in, not giving a damn to the scared and freaked out faces of the maids who noticed him.

He fastly changed (thanks to a certain male who had already kept his suit out, pressed and neat) and went out, taking a different car.

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