38. Dare

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A/n:- you signed up for this shit when Taehyung called himself a monster so it's not my fault...... well I am giving a reminder again as I won't be giving it after...

"And here we are!" Taehyung spoke playfully as he placed his husband on their bed, having him all wrapped around a big fluffy towel which made him look like a burrito, a cute Bunny burrito tho. He himself had a bathrobe worn, having it's robe loosely tucked around his waist as he stood infront of his bun on his knees.

"You look like a baby Koo!" Taehyung cooed, knowing that the younger doesn't like being referred as that.

"Yea! I am a grown up man hyung!" Jungkook pouted, trying to look offended from the comment, yet his rosy cheeks betrayed him.

Taehyung chuckled and nodded

"Yeaahhhh! Remove the towel!"

"Calm down Mrs. Kim."

"Yea I am a Jeo-"

Jungkook halted, turning his face sideways as he glared at the wall while muttering a 'whatever' under his breath, though his cheeks betrayed him, again.

Taehyung smiled idiotically as he stood up and turned around moving towards the wardrobe or more like a huge walk in close. He came back after 5 minutes with some clothes in his hands, himself being already in his own as he found the younger still glaring at the wall, making him smile as how cute he looked.

"Come baby, change into your clothes..... or you plan to live in your burrito?"

Jungkook snapped his head towards Taehyung as he faked a glare.

"I hate you."

Jungkook spoke playfully yet it sounded a little cold, trying his best to hide his flustered state from the statement given by the elder; not noticing how Taehyung's eyes darkened at his words.

'He doesn't mean it Taehyung, keep calm....'

"You can say that you hate me from your mouth as much as you want Red. But remember, the day you will say it from your heart......" Taehyung smirked, a smile playing on his lips which was anything but playful.

"You will not like to know what it's consequences will be like....."

Jungkook stared at Taehyung, a little fear visible in his eyes at how darkly yet intimatedly he spoke those words.

Jesus! He spoke that playfully and he knows that he didn't meant that......

"Understood bub?"

He slowly nodded

"Words Kookie"



Taehyung slowly caressed his thumb over Jungkook's cheek, tracing the boundary of younger's small scar which was not quite visible if not seen carefully.

"Did that bastard gave you this baby?"

Jungkook flinched silently at the cold yet slightly angry tone. Gosh! Did any demon possessed Taehyung or what?

"Answer me love, Jeon Jongsuk is the reason behind it, isn't it?!"

Jungkook squirmed a little when Taehyung holds his jaw a little firmly, making him look directly into his husband's pitch black orbs.

"Hyungie I-"

"Answer my damn question Kim Jungkook!"

"Y-yes" Taehyung left him

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