41. Will you leave me?

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"Hmmmmmmm....." Jungkook groaned and shifts in his sleep, hand searching for someone on the other side but he frowns when he didn't felt the presence.

He sat up and yawns softly, eyes still closed as he felt a little dizzy

He climbs down the bed and looks around, only to find himself in a room he was not familiar with.

'Is this the mentioned mansion?'

He looks around, trying to search Taehyung but was not able to do so

He sighs to himself and freshen ups, taking his phone which was placed over the nightstand

Being confused, he went out, finding the long, seemingly never ending corridors containing numerous rooms welcoming his presence.

'This looks like a maze....'

He turned his vision, trying to find anyone within his reach until he saw a women, maybe one of the helping staff, coming towards his way, as soon she stood infront.

"Good evening Mrs. Kim, my name is Miko, the head maid here. Come, you must be hungry." The lady offered a polite smile as she gestures Jungkook to come with her.

"Good evening to you too Ms. Miko, may I know where Taehyung is?" Jungkook asks his question out

"Mr. Kim has gone out for some work Mrs. Kim, I don't know when he will return." The lady informs as per as her knowledge

Jungkook nods with uncertainty, moving down with the maid.

"What would you like to have Mrs. Kim?"

"It's OK if you call me Jungkook Ms. Miko, you seem to be elder than me." Jungkook offers politely

"I am sorry but Mr. Kim has strictly instructed to address you formally Mrs. Kim." Miko replied a little strictly


"Now, what would you like to have?"

Jungkook thought to himself before he settles up with normal ramen, not wanting to trouble up the elderly women too much.

"Are you sure just ramen would work? I can make something more Mrs. Kim?" Miko asked softly

"No no Ms. Miko, I am OK with my choice." Jungkook smiled and settles down in the dining table

He took his phone out and immediately calls Taehyung

"Pick the phone up hyung..." he mutters to himself as he pressed the phone against his ear, getting it connected to the other side within a few rings


"Where are you hyung?"

"I am just on my way baby, will reach there in less than 1 hour."

Jungkook frowned

"Why are you that far?"

"Got something to finish with...... I will be back soon."

Jungkook nodded slowly, though Taehyung couldn't see it


"Hmm..... I love you."

A small smile made it's way on Jungkook's feature at the confession

"Love you too, drive safely."


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