17. Does he know?

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"Than let's go bun, shall we?" Taehyung whispered, a little seductive yet darkly to tease the younger who slowly nodded, eyeing the marbled floor to analyze the designs oh so suddenly.

"Words Kook"

"Ye-yea hyung"

"Look at me."

Jungkook slowly looked up, shy.

"Hmm.... your cheeks are still so blus- red, mom must have squished them hard huh?" Taehyung asked teasingly, slowly caressing younger's cheek which got more red.

"Le-let's g-go."

"Impatient, aren't we?" Taehyung chuckled and turned, grasping younger's soft hand with his slightly rough one, taking him above to his room.

They both were going through the long corridor when they encountered Jisoo again, who was now in her normal yet comfortable long frock.

"Silly me forgot to ask you both if you are hungry or not." Jisoo said and laughed

"So son-in-law... what will you like to try huh?"

"I-I ahmm" Jungkook was still not used to the son-in-law thing.

"We had snacks in our way mom, Jungkook's brother made some."

"Ohh... than it's good I guess. You both go and rest as you must be tired. The wedding is in the evening following up with the reception so you both go and have some sleep." Jisoo said and smiled, waving dramatically and leaving.

"I told you she is dramatic." Taehyung whispered in a 'serious' tone, making the younger laugh.


"Let's go hyungie M' tired."

"Oh really?"

Jungkook nodded, pouting subconsciously out of habit but yelping suddenly as Taehyung lifted him in a bridal style.

"Can't let my bunny walk when he is tired now can I?"

"Hyung put me down M' heavy!"

"And I am a mermaid nice to meet you too." Taehyung chuckled and moved, having a whinny male in his arms who had his head sunked on his boyfriend's neck, eyes closed praying that someone won't come and see them like this but...

"Aww look at them.." Jisoo fangirled as she and Bo-hyun eyed the lovely cute little couple from behind.

"I ain't paid for this!" Bo-Hyun spoke dramatically

"Shut it!" Jisoo said and turned

"I am going down to grab some food, you coming?"

"Yes my lord"

They both went down.

Whereas with Taekook.....

"Come on wifey open your eyes, don't wanna see hubby's bedroom?" Taehyung teased more as pushed the door open with his leg, not willing to put the younger down.

Jungkook finally looked up and was amazed.

Jungkook finally looked up and was amazed

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