58. The End

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A/n:- torture and mention of child abuse ahead..

"I will entertain you a lot today Mr. Jeon, soo much that your tears won't stop." Taehyung again hits the belt hardly on the already bleeding man's back.

"Didn't thought twice before torturing a kid did you? Oh come on Jongsuk, you should be strong man." Taehyung mocked, choosing his words wisely as to not hurt the male few steps away him.

"S-sir, leave me please!" Jongsuk cried pathetically, making Taehyung chuckle.

"Come on Jongsukie, we have just started. Don't be like this from now only!"

Jongsuk sobbed and shaked his head in a 'no' motion, completely defeated.

"I-I accept what I did to Jung- AH!" Jongsuk's words got cut off by his own scream as Taehyung again beats him harshly with the now blood coated belt.

"Mr. Kim it is, don't try to take my husband's name from that filthy mouth of yours." Taehyung growled

"S-sorry sir, I a-accept that what I d-did to Mr. Kim in the past was very inhumane of me and I-I should have never done that. I si-sincerely apologise for it... p-please leave me." Jongsuk wails out, feeling like his entire body was set on fire as his back churns with insufferable pain; and the fact that he was tied harshly to the chair which literally left irritating rash marks around the skin was not helping either.

"You wanna get free Jongsuk?" Taehyung asked softly, so sweetly that it makes the man in front of him fear to know what was up in his sleeves now, yet he slowly nods.

"Hmmmm...... such a demanding bitch you are. Why do I always have to fulfil all your demands huh?" Taehyung fakes a whine out as he stormed his right foot like a kid.

"Wait!" Taehyung announced with mischief

"How about I don't grant it yet someone else does?" He looks back at Jungkook, "What say Red?"

Jungkook raised a brow in confusion as his head tilted a little sideways subconsciously, making Taehyung grin like a lovesick fool at his husband's adorable response.

"Oh babe come here." Taehyung demanded with affection. Jungkook complied, now standing beside him, only his brows to furrow a little in disgust at the few stain of blood on Taehyung's white shirt. Does the man really had to wear it here? He swear if later Taehyung whines about it than he isn't doing anything!

"What hyungie?"

"Won't you fulfil a last demand of your uncle's love? He seems desperate." Taehyung turned to Jongsuk and spoke, tone completely different from the one he was talking with the younger earlier.

"Beg as much as you want to Jungkook. If he will feel that it's enough torturing you he will set you free ." Taehyung smirked as he pulled the younger closer to him by his waist, " by shooting you." He completed, leaving Jongsuk in utter disbelief.


"You really are the most disgusting man in my life I have ever seen Jongsuk. The kid, who was barely 5 did nothing wrong to you yet I don't what was within you that made your filthy self perform such a merciless act." Taehyung spoke with a a tone, not soft yet not too loud either, it was calm.

"Hyung no!" Jungkook said, slightly panicking

"I ask you one last time Jungkook, you wanna stay here or not?" Taehyung asked coldly, making Jungkook to immediately nod his head in a 'yes'

"The car is still there. Jimin is in it. Go back cause I won't promise that what is going to be done now will be something good." Taehyung spoke with an edge in his tone, yet received the same reply, this time vocal.

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