26. Too Kind

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11:47 a.m.
IcyFlame's main building

The door got knocked twice before Jimin entered the CEO's office.

"Funny how you didn't barged in like usual." Taehyung spoke sarcastically

"I would have but you are a committed man now."


"I don't want to enter a scene of you fucking Jungkook right here." Yea Park Jimin is a straightforward man.

Taehyung smirked internally at the thought but showed a disgusted face.

"Stop spreading your pervert mind to the environment Mr. Park."

"I am just taking safety precautions Mr. Kim." Taehyung certainly did not wanted to discuss about how is it even related to safety cause Park fucking Jimin can make and do anything of things.

He signed, "you here for?"

Jimin's face turned serious, "I think we should organize an annual company party."

"And why should we?"

"Coz we can conduct the drug deal Xan through the party. If we will have a casual meeting and dealing shit than the chances of the police getting alert are higher and I am in no mood to deal with there asses any time soon, plus if this is done through a causal party like shit the chances are slim."

Taehyung hummed

"We can consider it." Translation" get the fuck out I am busy right now!"

"Nope, do it right now cause I know your workaholic ass will forget it later." Jimin glared

"But I don't like parties!"

"Who said you have to be there? Just mark you attendance and than we can setup the meeting in a different room."

"Ok... announce it than."

"My job was to give the idea now rest is your shit to do." Jimin sassed and left

"Now how the fuck am I suppose to go in every single department and announce this fucking not so awaited party!" Taehyung groaned

He was just thinking about it when the door got knocked softly.

"Come in." His voice turned professional(as in cold and scary~) and his already angry mood made it come out more deeper than usual.

The door got opened and a petite girl, maybe somwhere around Taehyung's age or maybe younger entered.

"Good morning sir."

"Hmm... you here for?" Cold jerk like as always, yea Kim Taehyung doesn't give two fucks about what other's opinion are for him.

"S-sir you asked for the rechecking of these files." The girl slowly placed it shyly over Taehyung's desk.


"Yes?" Taehyung just want the damn girl out of the cabin right now cause she's being damn irritating.

"My name is Lin!"

"And?" Taehyung meant it sarcastically but seems like the girl unnoticed it.

"And I am the employee of the year!"

"Oh congrats Ms. Lin." Congrats can fuck itself cause it's taking every inch of Taehyung's cell to not reload his whole gun's bullets inside the girl right now.

"I- hehehe thanks." The girl chuckled awkwardly

"Anything else?" It was Taehyung's board room advisor who suggested to add this 'employee of the year' shit years ago and he never felt the need to kill an already dead man again for it.

"No thanks." The girl pouted, obviously to look cute but ended up looking like a monkey infront of Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung saw the girl slowly leaving before an imaginary light bulb popped in his head.

"Ms. Lin!"

"Yes?" The girl answered almost immediately, as if was waiting for it.

"I want a favor."

"Sure sir!"

Taehyung internally chuckled at girl's eagerness.

"Can you please inform all the departments that there will be a party held for the upcoming sataurday for company's annual success and all are invited for it. Timing starting from 8 p.m. night." Taehyung knows that the girl won't take a minute to spread and was ready to take it's advantage.

"Sure sir!" Lin said excitedly and left with blushing cheeks.

"Fucking monkey" Taehyung finally sighed once the girl was out, obviously the cabin was soundproof as a lot of stuffs were discussed there and Taehyung doesn't give two fucks even if the girl heard that.


Lin smiled idiotically and moved out, more than happy with her and her boss's interaction and moved but stopped when she saw a male that was going towards her boss's cabin.

'I have seen him earlier too! Is he trying to seduce my Taehyung!'

She fumed in anger and moved towards him.


The man turned and looked at her, confused


"Are you going to meet Mr. Kim?!"

Jungkook was utterly confused as to what does this women want.

"Yes I am."

"Listen here Mr.! Mr. Kim is mine and I dare you to seduce him! You don't know me."

"Excuse me!"

"Yea whatever! Listen this is the first and last warning. Stay. Away. From. Kim. Taehyung or else you won't end good." The girl literally growled

Jungkook gave an uninterested look, waiting for the girl to get done with her shit.

"You done? I am going-"

"Where do you think you are-"

"What's happening here?!" Taehyung's deep voice growled loudly through the silent hallway, making both of the other person's to shiver at that.

"No-nothing Mr. Kim. I was just greeting him." Lin said nervously and silently glared at Jungkook who ignored it, not interested in it.

Taehyung's eyes darken at that, " is it, Mr. Jeon?"

"Yea Mr. Kim. Let's go, I have brought the final output of the mansion."

"Sure" Taehyung eyed the girl angrily for a second before he stormed back in.

Lin sighed and was going to move back, "I advice you to check twice before you claim someone as yours, may help in future." Jungkook smiling and left, leaving a fuming girl behind.

He went inside and was immediately pinned by Taehyung to the door.

"What did she do?" Taehyung asked darkly

"She did nothing hyung relax, I don't want to think about her." Jungkook pouted, trying coax Taehyung which succeeded as Taehyung groaned.

"You know sometimes you act too kind." Taehyung breathed against younger's lips who whimpered as Taehyung pinched his waist slightly.

"I am... but not always." Jungkook closed the distance between there lips.


Imagine what MCC's Jungkook would have done in place of this Jungkook 👀

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