22. I am sorry

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The next day...

"But why do you both have to leave so earlyyyyy you just came yesterday." Jisoo spoke with a small pout, sad after listening the young couple's early departure.

"M sorry mom but this is important." Taehyung spoke in a plain tone, quite impatient to leave as he have already prepared for this and is ready.

Just his bun accepts it.....

"We are really sorry Mrs. Kim-"

"Aish I told you to call me mom Jungkookie, no need to act like that brat."

"Why am I being drag in your conversation!" Taehyung grumbled

"Cuz you are a brat, end of discussion." In the end of the day, Jisoo was Taehyung's mother only...

"Taehyung!" All 3 of the looked up from the dining table to see Bo-Hyun standing at the stairs.

"Come to my office room, we have something to discuss." Bo-Hyun eyes lingered at them for a second before he turned and went up. Taehyung sensed his father was going to discuss something really important, judging from his tone, so he immediately excused himself.

"What do you think it can be?" Jisoo whispered curiously, as if she was a school girl who just saw one of her classmate being called in the principal's office.

Jungkook shrugged, really not knowing it.

"I guess it's business related." He assumed. Jisoo nodded, agreeing.

"Yea, that can be it... leave it so where were we?"

Soon time passed and the time for Taekook's departure arrived.

"I will be missing you both!" Jisoo hugged Jungkook tightly, almost knocking the breath out of him.

"Mom you will kill him!" Taehyung spoke possessively, making them broke the hug as he immediately took Jungkook in back hug.

"Come soon.."

"We will." Jungkook smiled, silently trying to free himself from Taehyung as Jisoo and Bo-Hyun were still present there.

"Have a safe journey." Bo-Hyun spoke with a genuine smile.

Soon they both left....

"Where are we going hyung?" Jungkook asked curiously

"I told you it's somewhere special bun.." Taehyung spoke with a mischievous smile.

"I hate that smile, it makes me think something's definitely up in your sleeves." Taehyung laughed at the comment.

"You can sleep if you want though, the trip is atleast of 1 hr...."

"I am abducted by a male name Kim Taehyung. Help!"

Taehyung smirked

"No one's coming to help a bunny." Jungkook chuckled

"Good night than!"

Through the whole journey, the bunny looking male spended it by sleeping while a slightly anxious male beside him revised his speech again and again.

When they reached, Taehyung took a deep breath to calm his nerves down and slowly woke up the male beside him.

Jungkook was surprised at first when he noticed the place they are at before his eyes slowly got teary.


UN Memorial Cemetery

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UN Memorial Cemetery

"I..." Jungkook was speechless

"Come bun... they are waiting." Taehyung spoke with a small smile.

"I don't..... have the courage..." Jungkook whispered, eyes teary. All those memories from the past starts to play up like a broken cassette infront of his eyes. All those happy, joyful, beautiful, sweet, betrayal, angry, sad..... every moment starts to regain it's place in his memory again.

He didn't noticed his steps were slowly moving back before he felt a hand firmly pressing against his back, making him halt. He looks at Taehyung and slowly shakes his head.

"I-I can't.."

"You can bun, it's your family after all." Jungkook took a deep and slowly moved ahead.

Taehyung gave an encouraging smile and followed him.

They walked, passing through different tombstones before Jungkook stopped at a specific one, his parents tomb.....

In the loving memories of
Jeon Yeona
Jeon Yeechul

"Hello Eomma and Appa......" this was the second time Jungkook was standing here, the first time was when he was present here during the burial.

"I-I........ took long to come again... right?" He harshly bit his lower in an attempt to not let a sob escape from his mouth.

"You both must be very upset with me." He slowly bended down on his knees, streams of tears flowing down through his precious doe eyes.

"Every year.... on my birthday..... I used to thought maybe this time I could muster up the courage to come but...... I was never able to......." it was taking every ounce of Jungkook's self to not just break down.

"But than.... like a coward I would think and shift it to either Eomma's birthday or Appa's birthday or to your anniversary........ and the cycle going endless untill the year ends and again the same thing got repeated I-" Jungkook finally letted a sob chocked out.

"I-I am sorry.."

Taehyung finally bended down and took the youngerin his arms, not being able to see the younger like this anymore.

"Shh bun... everything is alright. See I am here, take deep breaths hmm, shh..." Jungkook nodded and slowly did as Taehyung commanded.

"Thanks hyung.."he whispered, his voice hoarse

"Uh huh, you talked but I have not." Taehyung smiled and looked at the tombs.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jeon." Taehyung started, a small smirk playing on the side of his lip as he could feel the younger staring at him.

"My name is Kim Taehyung AKA V."

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