10. Teasing

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"So will you marry me?"

"Ye-yes hyung....."

Taehyung smiled widely and hugged his soon-to-be wifey tightly

"I love you so much bun!"

"I love you too hyung... a lot.... please, don't ever think to leave me again."

"Never bun, I love you so much to think so." Jungkook broke the hug and looked at Taehyung, smiling his bunny smile that made Taehyung's heart to burst with more love

"I don't deserve you angel."

"I think the same." Jungkook spoke with a plain face, making Taehyung confuse


"You don't deserve an angel like Jungkook. Just wait, I am waiting for the day he will beat your ass for this."

The fuck?!


"Wake up you alien head!" Jungkook shouted, but his voice sounded more like Jimin's

"Wake uppppppp!"

Taehyung woke up with a jerk, taking deep breaths as he panted.

So it was a dreammm........

He looked ahead and saw Jimin standing there with a teasing grin on his face.

"Done marrying your bun? Now focus and do your work."

"What the fuck was that?"

"You, Mr. Kim Taehyung, are in your office in your building, sitting in the CEO's chair, having your dream about you marrying your bun." Jimin said briefly, his smile never leaving his face.

"Aishh! It was soo good why did your annoying ass have to wake me up!?" Taehyung groaned in irritation

"I was soo close to kissing him, he fucking accepted my proposal!" Jimin gave an unamused look but shrugged.

"I don't get paid for your whining ass plus Jungkook will be here in 15 mins for the meeting as decided earlier." Jimin informed casually. Taehyung looked up with a big grin and happy eyes


"Yea...... don't forget you have a fiancee Kim... the one whom you approved." Jimin reminded, making Taehyung to make an irritated face.

"You know already know that I don't like this marriage right?"

"Suits you for all your sins." Jimin laughed

"I wonder how Jungkook will feel after listening to your dream, oh gosh I can imagine his bunny face already!"

"You won't tell it to him right?" Taehyung gulped

"Who knows...."


"New Gucci bag would be your price."


Jimin nodded and leaves.

Taehyung sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes as he felt frustrated.....

"That was soo much fucking good!"

He sighed and recalled it again

"My dad proposed my mom there seriously Taehyung? They both had a fucking arranged marriage agrhhhh!"

Taehyung groans and opens his eyes

"You will pay with your everything you are doing to me Jungkook. How can you? How dare you play with the heart of someone as innocent as me huh." Taehyung pouted at his own statement.

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