4. Just Trust Me

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"So Mr. Kim, what would you-"

"Let's go to a cafe and discuss there, you won't mind right?"

Jungkook raised one of his eyebrow questionably but nodded anyway.

"Umm OK."

"Come please."

V stood up and walked towards the door with a lost bunny trailing behind.
He opened the door and stood aside, letting the younger to go first.

"Ahmm thanks." Jungkook spoke with slightly pink cheeks cause comeon! A CEO of a very big and prestigious company opening the door for you and taking you out on a cafe in not a everyday thing.

They went to a cafe nearby and took a seat in the corner.
"Hello sir and welcome to Binnie's cupcakes. What would you like to order?"

"So Jeon what would you like?"

"Oh no it's okay Mr. Kim."

"Oh comeon. Don't turn my offer like that bun." Jungkook blushed slightly at the nickname and nodded slowly.

"Waffles with banana milk please."

"Cute" V mumbled


"Fruit. I want fruit salad with strawberry milkshake."

The waiter noted down and left.

A silly silence to over which sure suffocated Jungkook as he didn't know how to initiate a conversation with Taehyung.

To say he was very nervous would be an understatement.

"I heard you are not a quiet person."


V chuckled

"Why are you sitting dumb bun. I thought you can't be silenced for once."

'Heck this is embarrassing. How does he knew it?!'

"If you are scared or nervous than don't be. I won't bite." V said playfully with a sly smile.

"Ahmm... I thought we were supposed to have a meeting about your house's interior Mr. Kim."

"Aish don't be silly. The house and designs are not running anywhere now are they? And Taehyung sounds better." V chuckled.

Jungkook pouted unconsciously and nodded.

"So tell me about yourself bun."

"I feel like I have came here for a job interview or something Taehyung hyung."

V chuckled, 'he is too cute to my liking.'

"So you start the conversation than."

"I don't know how to."

"You didn't did that in the cafe day-before-yesterday."

Jungkook widened his eyes in surprise.


"Yea... Happy-To-Go cafe... corner seat... window sighting, remember." V said with a smirk.


"Kim Taehyung sweetheart."

"But you said-"

"You are too naive to believe me bun."

Silence took over again but Jungkook broke it, taking a deep breath as he spoke

"Do you really want me to work for you or you just did this all to meet me?"

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