9. Will you?

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Long chapter ahead....

After one week.....

"Taehyung is coming today..." Jimin informed

"....with Eunmin." He completed.

Jungkook took a deep breath to calm himself, trying to stop the tear which was threatening to make its way down.


"You can't 'oh' me Jeon. Seriously have you lost your senses or what, or is it a result for falling for that alien? Think about it, this is your chance!" Jimin said calmly

"I can't be selfish hyung... even if it hurts but I can't interfere between a couple-"

"They are not a fucking couple!" Jimin was losing it, seriously

"They would have probably got engaged till now-"

"Taehyung didn't informed me..."

"Maybe he will now."

"I can't!" Jimin exclaimed and left.

Jungkook chuckled sarcastically, feeling the pain within his chest increasing second by second at thought of Taehyung's arrival........... with her.

"I officially lost you didn't I? How pathetic, you were the first one I loved and this is how I ended.... I wish that you live happily though... cause I will be not as I don't want and have the courage to have this again...." Jungkook sighed heavily and looked up.

'Be it anything but I will always love you... I am and will be always yours.....'


Kim Taehyung and his rumored fiancee Kang Eunmin has just landed in Seoul.
The CEO has been seen visiting a cafe nearby with his soon-to-be wife as we assume it was a small date.
For more information, stay tuned


Taehyung entered and was met with an expected sight.

"Hello Kim"

"Hello Park"

"You must be happy after doing this aren't you?" Jimin asked calmly, but Taehyung catches the anger lacing behind his tone.

"I am just doing what is good for both of us" he said coldly

"Who both? You and Eunmin or you and Jungkook, I am warning you again, you are doing wrong V. You will ruin everything."

"I have decided already and I am not stepping back, if this is it than let it be."

"So your love for Jungkook was just for a pathetic moment huh!-"


Jimin chuckled sadly

"You think shouting at me will make everything right? Ever wondered how Jungkook must have been after you left. No, cause if you have would than-" Jimin stopped

"You are pathetic Kim Taehyung. You are ruining 3 lives together with your stupid decision and I feel ashamed of you. Ever thought how your parents would feel if they ever got to know about this? How Eunmin will feel? No cause you are a bastard-"

"One more word and you will be dead." V spoke coldly

Jimin sighed and stared at him.

"Here are the files that you have to work on. I came to give this." He spoke coldly too cause two can play the game.

He was going to leave when the door got opened and a girl entered.

"Sorry to disturb Taehyung but can we go now, we will come soon I promise." Jimin assumed her to be Eunmin.

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