40. My love?

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The very next morning, after having breakfast with the Yoonmin couple, the newly weds were off for there honeymoon.

Yes, Yoongi was still a bit grumpy about it and if not for Jimin then the man for sure would have join the couple to keep a watch but........ Park Jimin got an upper hand on this.

Well, let's just summarise and say that he had to bid them off to Taehyung's jet with a not so satisfying smile.

Well not like Taehyung needed that! His baby here with him was more than enough.

"Hyungie!" Jungkook whinned while Taehyung chuckled

"What? Aren't you excited for our honeymoon baby~" Taehyung spoke the word sensually, making Jungkook blush hard as he turned sideways.

"Comeon bub, now I can't say we are going on a vacation. We are going on a honeymoon so it's a hone-"

"I got it! Don't use that word again and again or else I swear I will make sure we both will be sleeping in different rooms!" Jungkook threatened, though his cheeks betrayed him, AGAIN!

(A/N:- I can make a whole series lmao!)

Taehyung gulped and nodded immediately.

Damn his teasing

Jungkook hummed and snuggled against him, a smile receiving his face when Taehyung wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him closer, making him almost look like he was sitting on his lap.

"Where are we going hyung?" Jungkook whispered softly, smudging his face over Taehyung's collarbone as the rich and spicy scent of Taehyung's cologne hits his nostrils, making him feel sleepy.

"Just a few minutes baby, it's not that far, though I would have loved one of my islands for this but that midget had to mingle in it." Taehyung said, a little irritated, making Jungkook giggle

"I swear Jimin hyung will strangle you to death once he hears this."

Taehyung sighed dramatically and pecked younger's forehead, having a fond smile.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes love" Taehyung spoke instantly

(A/n:- oh instant noodles are my fav yk? I once tried korean instant noodles and they-

Readers:- back to story Miss!)


Jungkook looked up straight from the hugging position, making Taehyung to look back at him.


"Why do you love me?"

Younger asked innocently, though curiosity was visible in his words, making his husband smile.

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