24. Innocent love

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"H-how do you got to know all this...?" Jungkook whispered silently, head still buried in Taehyung's neck as the elder slowly patted his back in comfort.

"I wonder..."

"Did you asked your hacker to hack about me and shit?" Jungkook chuckled slowly

"Uff bun what a typical mafia image you have setup in your mind." V spoke in fake offense, making the younger to finally burst into a fits of laughter, making him(V) smile as his attempt succeeded.

"I do think I could have done that but......... I wanted to know you by you and... when we came into a relationship, I wanted to know as what you showed. I wanted you to trust me enough to open up on your own, afterall, that is what it needs to build a healthy relationship right?" Taehyung chuckled as he could sense that the younger was blushing.

"Well.... when my father saw you yesterday he kinda thought that he has seen you somewhere..... afterall Yeechul was Zade's best friend and you know all crap." Taehyung said dramatically

"Remember when today he called me all of a sudden? That was that." Taehyung hugged the younger a little tightly.

"I thought to reveal about my identity today but all this happened..."

"You trust me enough to reveal it?"

"I do. Our relationship is far more than serious and I don't want it to get blinded with any lie, though if I wonder, I never really lied. You never asked me if I am a mafia and I never said I am not." Taehyung spoke oh seriously, making the younger smile.

"What will you do if I will leave you after this?"

"I... will definitely not give up cause V never lose. I for sure would have try to reach you and will try again and again even if I fail, maybe till I die-"

"Don't you fucking say that!" Jungkook broke the hug and glared at Taehyung who immediately shuts up.

"Well I don't think you are leaving me, are you?" Taehyung teased

"I could atleast try to pretend it!" Jungkook glared

"As you say Jungkookie!" Taehyung chuckled and hugged him again cause fuck! The younger is so soft and huggable(if that's not a word than Taehyung just invented it now bye) that he could cuddle him the rest of his life like this.
Yea, a not physical touch loving person said that, someone inform this to Jimin!

Taehyung smiled before it turned straight as his eyes flared with anger.

"Trust me when I got to know about what Jongsuk did to you, it took every inch of my cell to not just find him and murder him than and there." Taehyung felt younger's grip tightening around his neck. He could felt the younger trembling under him.

"Don't worry bun, I am with you."

"He will not come back to hurt me..... right?"

"Never bun, I wonder if he has got the guts to do so..... I won't let him live alive once I saw him, how dare he hurt me queen."


"What? You already know I am the mafia king so obviously you are going to be my queen." Taehyung spoke simply as a matter of fact.

"I-I.... mafia queen is someone who will be your wife!" Jungkook again broke the hug and looked at Taehyung.

"Do want to be my queen than?" Taehyung asked with a smile but seriousness was visible in his tone.

"H-huh?" Jungkook couldn't believe his ears, is Taehyung?-

"Jeon Jungkook, I know couples do this after being with each other for years but I don't need that for knowing that I have already find a diamond for myself, strong and unbreakable yet so beautiful." Jungkook widened his eyes, his heart drumming loudly against his ribcage while his brain slowly taking processing each and every word carefully.

"I am not a very romantic person nor am I great in giving long ass speeches *Jungkook giggled, making Taehyung smile* so I am going to keep it brief cause I can already feel my pulse high." Taehyung took a deep breath and looked into younger's eyes which stared back with amusement and surprise.

"I, Kim Taehyung, ask you, the most beautiful and ethereal person I have ever seen to be my other half."

"I know I am not perfect but whatever I am, I am infront of you. I assure you that I never faked my feelings for you for once and will never do in future. I trust you and I know you do trust me too."

Taehyung smiled as he saw younger's eyes getting glassy.

"My love, faith and trust for you is innocent and I for once never saw you as an object. I love you Jeon Jungkook and I am more than willing to spend the rest of my remaining life with you. So my bun, my love, my red...... Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook holds his breath as he felt it coming.

"Will you marry me?" Taehyung slowly opened the ring box which Jungkook didn't noticed when he took out, too many emotions flushing through his system.

"Hy-hyung I-I..." he hugged Taehyung, too tightly as if he felt he would vanish away if leaves him right now.

"Hmm... is that your way of rejecting me red?" Taehyung questioned playfully, silently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes as he tried to stay composed.

"Y-you a-are so stupid hyung!"

"I know"

"You are an idiot!"

"I know" Taehyung smiled like a lovesick fool as Jungkook silently cried over his shoulder.

"You made me cry a lot today!"

"I am sorry"

"I hate you!" Taehyung smiled

"Love you too bun." Jungkook detaches the hug and kissed him passionately, making both of them to hmm in content and joy.

"Does that answers your question?" Jungkook slowly whispered as they broke the kiss.

"Hmm it does, you are not accepting it now, no worries I understand it must be too early-" Taehyung's sentence got cut as Jungkook kissed him again, hardly this time as it's out of anger.

"Enough teasing!"

Jungkook spoke against Taehyung's lips, glaring at him

"I was not teasing you bunny." Taehyung said, his large smile quite noticeable.

"Is it a yes than?" He teased further anyway

"No! It's a big no to a meanie like you!" Jungkook said, annoyed but it all vanished away when he felt the feeling of a metal sliding into his ring finger.

Taehyung slowly caressed the hand and brought it near his lips, pecking it delicately as look straight into younger's eyes.

"Be careful wifey, you are stuck with this meanie mafia for the rest of your life."

A large 'pop' sound was heard, making the younger flinch slightly but soon break out into a bunny smile when he felt thousands of rose petals falling over him.


"What? I could atleast try to make my proposal this much romantic." Taehyung spoke with a boxy smile.

"I love you...." Jungkook whispered

"I love you too." Taehyung sealed the promise with another passionate kiss.

What? Cold dom hubby Tae and bossy sassy wifey Kookie, I AM A TOTAL SUCKER FOR IT!

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