32. The Wedding

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A/n:- you all waited for this didn't you?😊😏
You all are invited so no worries, I will make sure you will experience each scene today as much as I can give😉

Today was the day, the day which both of the lovers were waiting for since last week.

A certain male was quite desperate for this day would be an understatement and all my genius should be knowing it already who it is.

The wedding hall was grand, stuffed with various eye catching decors and beautiful lights and flowers, making the room to not look less than the great above itself.

The wedding hall was grand, stuffed with various eye catching decors and beautiful lights and flowers, making the room to not look less than the great above itself

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The theme was simple yet elegant, just like the younger wanted and to say the guest were not amazed by the unique style would be an amazement

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The theme was simple yet elegant, just like the younger wanted and to say the guest were not amazed by the unique style would be an amazement.

(A/n:- I suck at writing these parts!)

Far away, at the end of the aisle stands the groom beside the priest. Face stoic, eyes calculated yet palms sweaty.

"Feeling scared?" Jimin, his groomsmen asked playful, finding it funny to see the younger nervous for the first time in his mafia life.

"No" Taehyung muttered coldly, eyes focused on the big, ceiling to tiles touching doors which will soon get opened.

"It won't cost if you feel free V." Jimin chuckled

"All the guests are looking at me, you expect me to lose my cool infront of them." Taehyung said in a maintained posture, taking care of his each and every move.

"I told you to keep the list short."

"Sorry, was quite excited." Jimin smiled sheepishly

Taehyung sighed but again focuses his mind towards the door.

'Just play the freaking music already! I am tired of waiting. Gonna sue the one who made the ritual of not seeing your partner before marriage.' He mentally cursed

He was just within his inner battle when his ear visibly perked up when he hears the music playing off, making him look at the door with expected yet desperate eyes.

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