54. Promise(M)

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A/n:- Ramadan's over right?

"Your place or mine Red?" Taehyung whispered against the clingy younger who was sitting in his lap, hugging him as he slowly left wet patches on elder's neck who bits his moans back at the powerful sucks.

"Yours......" Jungkook mewled, eyes closed as he slowly moves his lower area in circular motions, making both males to hum in pleasure.

Taehyung groaned as he stops the younger by holding him by his waist.

"Shhhh love, calm down......" Taehyung chuckled lowly at the whiny male who straightens up and looks at the other with his puppy eyes, trying to coax the other who almost gave in if it was not for his rational mind thinking.

"The signal is going to be green soon, I promise I will give you what you want." Taehyung pecks his husband's lips as a promise who huffs and dips his lips again at the crook of his fav person's neck.

"Fast" he mutters to Taehyung who gulps at the lingering touch of sharp bunny teeth over his neck, ready to make a new hickey on the skin.

He drove fastly, hormones acting as high as of the horny bunny in his lap, who was lazily sucking the already marked neck here and there to show his grewing anticipation.

"Let's go...." Taehyung breathed in relief once he felt the soft pair of those pillowey lips of his husband's on his own, making him hum in delight as he deliriously responds back with equal need, the car already being parked at the basement parking of the hotel he was staying in.

Jungkook gave a long suck to the ravishing lips one last time, before he huffs and moves back, panting slowly, eyes closed.

"Let's go......" Taehyung repeats again, panting lowly as his eyes never leaves the serene beauty in front.

Oh how much lucky he feels to address the younger as his husband..

Jungkook nodded and opens his eyes, smiling at Taehyung before he pecks him one last time.

Taehyung opens the car's door as both walks out, walking fastly through the hotel corridors, acting normal as if both were not desperate to shove there tongue down in other's mouth.

Once in lift, the urge grew stronger..... and maybe would have taken over, if not for the boy who enters in the lift the last moment.

The boy was looking in front, minding his own business, if it was not for the hard glare he felt from back.

He slowly looks back a little, trying to sneak a peek behind, only to immediately stand straight and look infront at the deadly stare Taehyung gave him.

He fastly punches the no. 1 in the lift and looks ahead, shoulders shrinking as he cowers from the couple, sepcificly Taehyung who smirked in victory and looks down at Jungkook whose face was smudged against his bulky chest, hands wrapped around his Taehyungie's waist as he bounced slowly (try not to be noticeable) on his toes, humming lowly in delight when he felt Taehyung's hand moving over his back.

The lift got opened when the 1st floor arrived and the boy splits out, frightened, choosing stairs for the rest of his desired journey.

"You scared him..."

"Well deserved for being an unwanted company."

Jungkook chuckled darkly and hums

"Mr. Kim"


"You look hot when angry." Jungkook gave a flirtful(is that a word? If not than it is now) wink, biting his lower lip from the side in a teasing way as Taehyung stared back with hungry eyes.

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