45. The Making of V

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Kim Taehyung was hardly 4 years old young when he was brought to a place he neither knew, nor thought would be the one from where his life will change...


The almost 4 year toddler looked up at his 'mom' when she called him

"Wanna visit this new place?" The lady asked with fake excitement

Taehyung eyed the place for a second before he looked back at his mother and shaked his head in denial.

"This place looks weird mommy..." the child let's his fear out to his mom, who internally clicked her tongue in disappointment.

"It may look...... but it will be good from inside!"

The woman tried to make the child agree her terms.

"No mommy, I don't want to. Let's go somewhere else!"

Kim Taehyung was a very smart and mature kid since the start, having a high IQ than the other kids of his age group which got him some advantages like speaking without stuttering rather than other kids and being sensible enough to know his environment.

The woman, know to the fact, groaned internally

"OK, we will go somewhere else than but, first let me meet my friend inside." She puts a fake smile on

"OK....." defeated, Taehyung gaves in

The lady smirked in victory and went inside with Taehyung fastly.

The moment they went in, they were met with the dusted, shabby walls of a room and a lady with a register sitting infront at her receptionist desk.

"Good evening mam, welcome to-"

"Oh hello to you too." Taehyung's mother gave a tight smile

"I wanted to meet Lily."

"Huh?" The receptionist sounded confused

"Lily? Who?"

"Oh snap! I forgot she recently changed her name to something like, kan, kang, kam..." the toddler's mother said sweatly

"I think you-"

"I have her card! Wait, I forgot it in my car. I will just go and take it, till than can you please look after my son?" The receptionist smile

"Sure mam, come back quick."

Mrs. Kim smiled and faintly patted her son's head twice

"Don't create a trouble son." She said and hurriedly left

Taehyung watched her go, without a emotion.

Just two blank eyes tracing the hurriedly moving figure of his mother till she was out of his sight, making him sigh.

The receptionist looked at the kid and smiled

"Do you want some chocolates kid?"

"She isn't coming back."

The lady frowned


"My mother, she isn't coming back......."

The lady's eyes widen in shock

"H-how can you say that kid?"

Taehyung finally took his eyes of the door and looked at the lady, a small smile dancing on his face

"We never came on a car Miss."

The lady, who was shocked earlier, suddenly felt sympathetic to the younger.

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