35. Innocence

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"You are allowed to do everything you want my queen... everything..." Taehyung spoke softly as he slowly closed the distance between him and his red.

And the rest that happened that night was history.........

(A/n:- I am not spoiling your innocence!)


(A/n:- nah! I ain't going to be cruel~~)

Jungkook hummed when he felt a little sharp tug of teeth over his bubbly bottom lip, making him wrap his arms around Taehyung's neck who hovered above him.

"Who told you to take a bath red? Who knows you have to take one more....." Taehyung whispered over younger's lips, not trying an ounce to separate themselves, having his hands pressing the either sides of the area beside the younger's head (you got it right?).

Jungkook looked up confusingly before Taehyung saw his eyes widening in realization as a soft red hue to over his cheeks.

"Hy-hyung.. you did not said that...." Jungkook spoke softly yet shyly, too much intimidated from the distance between them...

"Such a shy bunny we got here." Taehyung was clearly having a small smirk playing over his lips and Jungkook didn't needed to see that cause he already knew.

He looked, straight into Taehyung's eyes as he felt a new confidence boosting through him.

"I can be other things too hyung...." he spoke, this time a little deeply

Taehyung's smirk widened

"I am impressed, Kim Jungkook."

Jungkook knew Taehyung called him like that to make him get shy again but he simply smiled, sticking to his character.

"Not a new thing Mr. Kim, you have always been impressed by me." Jungkook whispered and closes the distance between them. Taehyung gladly gave into the kiss, not anymore new to this side of his wife.

"I love it when you play like this wifey...." Taehyung spoke through the kiss, hissing silently when he felt his upper lip coming in contact between those two sharp bunny teeths.

"I can play like many things." Taehyung hummed when he felt younger's grip loosening as one of the hand slowly glides through his chest, going down through his abs as he felt it soon tuking over his belt.

"You may regret this later red."

"Make me if you can hyung..." Taehyung groaned, slowly backing away as he sat up, chest panting slowly as his lips were swollen.

"I am serious Jungkook...... we can stop if you want." Taehyung was restraining himself and both the males knew it very well.

Jungkook sat up, coming face to face with Taehyung

"I want this...."

Taehyung smirked

"Since when did you became soo bold dear Jungkookie?" He teased

"Was born with it hyung." Jungkook imitated Taehyung, making him smile before it turned into a smirk again.

He puts his palm over younger's chest, exactly where his heart should as he felt it's loud beatings through the contact as he pushed him back, switching back to the same position with him sitting straight this time.
His hands travels to younger's shirts first button as he slowly starts to open it, slowly yet teasingly doing the same with others.

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