7. I- lost him....

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Calling Mom

Call picked

(A/n:- italic for Jisoo, bold for Taehyung)

"Hello Taehyungie.. how are you bub?"

"Cut it Mom, tell me what crap have you and dad did." Taehyung asked calmly as Jimin signed him to not shout.

"What?- oh about the marriage thing, Mr. Kang came to us with the proposal and we agreed. I have met Eunmin, she is a good and perfect woman for you Tae."

"But it has to be my choice mom!"

"'Sighs' I know but..... me and your dad has been waiting for a long time son.... we know you are successful but we want to see you happy too. Settle down and have a family Taehyung."

"But I don't agree with this marriage."

"What happened, you don't like Eunmin or do you have someone else? If it is so than tell me son, I will handel this."

"It's... complicated mom..... just so you know that I will be not happy with this marriage.."

There was silence kept for minute before Jisoo sighed and spoke

"I have waiting for the moment when you will introduce us to your partner V but it never came.... I just want to see you happy in your life son."


"Come to Daegu.... we will discuss it out here as Mr. Kang is also here right now. You both can talk and than tell us your decision... your parents will never force you."

"As if you both have not announced it already. The forcement has started already mom."

"We can use plan B... you know your mom son. Just focus on yourself and tell us your decision. Me and your dad will be waiting."

"Hmmmm...." Taehyung sighs and cutted the call.

"It's complicated Jimin."

"What do you mean? We have to do something Taehyung, we have to think about Jungkook too-"

"He has nothing to do with this matter I told you. He is just a friend and nothing else so stop it."

"Oh really?" Jimin chuckled

"What type friend is he that you always lose yourself into. You met him once and you took him out for a whole day.......... do you recall when was the last time you spended time this long with me Taehyung?"


"Friend huh? Can you see that friend of yours in someone else's arms? If he would have been in your place than what would-"


"BUT HE IS JUST A FRIEND RIGHT?! Think it Taehyung. Think from your heart and not from your useless brain..... you will regret this in future if you will not take the right decision right now..... I have seen and know what you and Jungkook have for each other and trust me Tae, he is the one for you..."

"It's..... useless Jimin. Even if I feel this for him.... he will never."

"You said you saw the news in his phone right? Than what was his reaction.."

"He... congratulated me."

"I am not talking about words Taehyung... I am talking about his behavior, his emotions which he showed..."

Taehyung was speechless..... if he thinks like what Jimin says than-

"No Jimin... he will not love me... I am a monster."

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